Thank you You are a great blessing , Your testimony has been an eye opener to my own weakness and passions, which God has helped me deal with throughout this fast. Interestingly, some of these I had never considered as sins and they were part of my lifestyle for 20 years. My Vision is to create a family-friendly fellowship where men, woman and children attend the house of God regularly as a family. I thank you so much for the excellent articles on fasting. I want to encourage folks that in fasting once you decide to do it OR the Lord called you to do it, YOU WILL MAKE IT. What's Going On With Covid Right Now? - The New York Times In difficult areas and school, God answered my prayer because the hunger and intensive school routine wasnt making everything easier. She does not have insurance And had to be off work for 10 days,a single parent, but money has come to her from people and she is ok financially,. I cant thank you enough for your Obedience to Our Father..blessings on you my sweet sister in Christ!!! But I remained resolute and have been preparing for 2020 by praying to the Lord to humble him. All Rights Reserved. In addition to that I incurred a debt of $20,000. The next long fast may be 28 days, who knows. He was trying to get me to conform to this sinful and corrupt life, but I had to quickly rebuke him upon waking up. Now, Im making more money than Ive ever made in my life. Angie, Thank you for all you have helped with these last 21+ days. Barrie, Once again, I saw my blood sugar drop to normal. Throughout my 21 days I have seen the things that were being thrown at me from the serpent himself. I am doing a partial fast for the 21 days.I find that I am going to God so much more in prayer during the day. Amen. Here is a brief list of some of those Jesus-glorifying miracles, which you can read in detail about in this inspiring book: WALKING IN HIS POWER: A woman whose finger was completely severed had it miraculously restored; a baby whose intestines at birth were more outside its body than inside its body was made completely whole; a blind woman from birth had her eyesight completely restored; a boy with sickle-cell anemia was made whole; a pregnant woman having to walk with crutches who had one leg hardly bigger than a skeleton and a crushed hip and other spinal complications was miraculously restored to wholeness; a girl dying of bladder malfunctioning was completed healed; a woman deadly bone cancer was miraculously healed; a woman with a goiter the size of a softball was miraculously healed; a woman whose spine was so messed up from several back operations was made completely whole; numerous people received gold fillings for their teeth who were unable to afford them otherwise; financial blessings were poured out on people struggling with debt and lack; a frail woman stricken with some sort of disease that kept most of her joints nearly paralyzed was amazing made completely whole; a little boy stricken with deadly cancer on top of his head was set free from it that our heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus Christ might be glorified through the unlimited power of the Holy Spirit. It wasnt easy for me. And the Lord added yet another friend to the prayer time each Friday. I plan to continue with either a 3 or 7 day fast every month. I also want to thank you for saying that God often is working in amazing ways after a fast and to be watching for Him. Almighty God I pray that you cause a breakthrough in my life, create a new spirit in me, renew my soul, hold my hand and lift me high, rebuild me, let me look new in your presence, I and my family shall glorify your Holy name. "I need someone to pray for me and advise me on how to fast and pray. All restored in the name of Yeshuah the Son of the Living God. #Fast2020 is our annual 21 day fast lead by. I was resting in a room, which was located above the sanctuary in the back, after having been on a 40 day fast seeking the Lord for further instruction and revelation. There was a specific request for God to provide me with a nanny to take care of my child during the relocation, since I was a working mother. What a blessing! God has sustained and preserved me throughout the days. Test yourself for 21 days. I totally get fasting nowits so awesome! This is my first time in my Christian life to fast for 21 days. Looking forward to my new life. I feel I am going deeper and deeper into things, which are not good. !, I am blessed that my entire family (husband and 3 kids one is four years old) are all doing this together. This is my third 21 days of fasting. I cant explain or put into words. Even though it was the last day of your fast, I was so moved that I began a 21-day fast the next day. During a 10-day liquid fast, I submitted my application again and was accepted on the 9th day. At this time, our church needs finances to cover our leases contracts: we have two buildings and are struggling to afford payments on the second lease. There were times when I did do some things that were not right. I realize that I definitely was lead by God to be there at that meeting. Thank you so much Natalie for praying for me. God has done amazing things in my family and my grandchildrens lives! Oras ng Himala (April 30, 2023) | Oras ng Himala (April 30, 2023) # Tansy Teo (AS, E51) I dont know how I did it. How blessed I have been these last 21 days. The hand of the devourer is rebuked! I just pray that this closeness doesnt stop after the fast. 2. Here is a compilation of true accountsabout how prayer and fasting helped some of City Harvest Church members overcome their mountains in life. I DECLARE THAT EVERY TONGUE SHALL CONFESS THAT HE IS LORD AND EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW! May God bless you and your ministry beyond measure! As I watched, I prayed and laid hands on my fathers shirt as he was upstairs and could not watch the service. Then we will culminate the 21 days on January 31 with a worship celebration that evening at 7:00. I had 9 communions while at church and significant other times during the fast. I have decided that I will go on a 21-day period prayer and fasting once a year. The power of fasting and prayer is incredible! Praying Gods richest blessings on you and your ministry. Margi, Kristen, thank you for leading us on the Daniel Fast. I am on day 19 of a 21. As a result, we have gone into debt. Wow, what a journey its been. My intention is to pursue God more and chase after Him. Throughout these 21 days of prayer, my cell group and I have been praying and fasting for my dad's salvation. If you missed the January Daniel Fast, you can still access the free materials and utilize them any time during the year. I cried many times because of the many troubles, but God always spoke through me and other people encouraged me, without them even knowing I was going through fasting. She loves to write devotional articles and stories that bring people . For those that know God, I can share with them how it is time to step out in faith as the disciples did when they waited for God to act when Jesus ascended. Your heart and mind needs to be made up to do it. This will not be my last.
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