alere accounting acronym

The difference in value between when an order was taken or placed and the current value based on rate changes can be displayed. ALERE is ERP software designed to manage a company's financial, CRM, Manufacturing, Service, and Data Acquisition requirements. The Sales module can also secure an order, accept returned items, and provide credit all from within one document. Not having to rely on highly trained staff to enter the orders is also beneficial. Time and labor postings from manufacturing are audited and approved.Details & Features (856kb), ALEREs InTouch module is an integrated CRM solution, providing a whole range of benefits unavailable when CRM software is used stand-alone. Drill up from journal entries to the originating document. Created and maintained by TIW's development team to insure the highest levels of integration and integrity! So, the user interface is rich and powerful, and all modules utilize that same interface. A Refer To option on the sales order supports a third party. Please select another program or contact an Admissions Advisor (877.530.9600) for help. Multiple drop ship items on an order for one vendor are consolidated on one purchase order. New items added to inventory can optionally be established for one or for all locations. Net income (NI) definition:A company's total earnings, also called net profit. Individual companies can be customers, suppliers, or both. Facts for following examples: Asset cost of $85,000, salvage value of $10,000, an. Simple and advanced budgeting, using Excel spreadsheets, is supported. Each document contains a complete history of its life accompanied by all the associated general ledger postings that were generated. The key features are. Choose to ship an item from inventory or have it drop shipped. Load predefined comments and place them on orders. The three main asset classes are equities or stocks, fixed income or bonds, and cash equivalents or money market instruments. Change purchasing u/m on a line item using a conversion factor. Phone: 610-258-5161, Bret Rowley - IT Department Manager, JX Nippon Mining & Metals, Aaron McVanner - Information Technology Lead, Kokatat, Josh Emery - President, Emery Distributors, A Path forward for SBT/Sage Pro and VisionPoint Clients. The result is often expressed as a percentage. Customer numbers can be used to enter line items on orders. An investor, whether an individual, company, municipality or government, loans money to an entity with the promise of receiving their money back plus interest. Accounts payable (AP) Accounts payable (AP) definition: The amount of money a company owes creditors (suppliers, etc.) The Sales Order Configurator is powered by modular and variable BOM information so that it is always accurate, up-to-date, and requires no additional effort to create or maintain.Details & Features (596kb), The Purchases module encompasses all apects of purchasing. Native functionality includes automatic period closings, extensive inventory traceability, warehouse support, drop shipping, email automation, document management, analytics, multi-currency, robust sales commissions, and credit card processing. Sales and purchase documents will then automatically default to that currency when used with those customers or suppliers. ALERE was first released in 1990 as a manufacturing package. The name would be formed by taking the first letter of each category that makes up two of accounting's most important financial documents: the Balance Sheet and the Income Statement . Assets (fixed and current) (FA, CA) We reviewed the combined Accounting and Manufacturing software from ALERE along with several other competing software products. One code base is used for both the LAN and Client Server (SQL) platforms, LAN based companies in ALERE can be run concurrently, from the same company menu, as SQL based companies, Long lists to be easily viewed and searched, Easy side-by-side screen data comparisons, Screen sizes to be preset for each user with a simple modification requiring no code changes, Work on multiple documents in one or more modules at the same time, Interrupt work on one screen without closing it to complete another task, Open other screens that have supporting information, Eliminate the need to open and close modules constantly, Allows a large amount of data to be quickly viewed, Can be resized to see more lines and columns, Can have the columns resized and reordered in ascending or descending order, Will jump to the first record matching the characters entered, Uses relational logic to create powerful filters, Will display filtered records as a group or within the context of the entire table, Can be modified and saved for a specific user, Screens and field names unique to their business, Has filters that control the amount and type of activity displayed, Provides a way to tie together related information, Supports drill down to specific data or documents, Data sorts by the columns that are displayed, The base price of the item with the options selected with the matching prices, The default price of the item with the modifications and the price for those modifications, List the journal entries for a specific account and date ranges, Shows the key financial reports that need to be printed, Identifies which reports need to be reprinted due to prior period or year postings, Lists which periods or years have been closed, Individual customers, sales group, or for all customers, Items, groups of items, or an individual item, As distributions to inventory adjustments, Auto reverse the positions of debits and credits, Load predefined account distribution templates, Store unlimited notes that can be added or edited, even after the posting is accepted, Selling unit of measure and conversion factor, Safety stock, lead time, minimum order and order increment, Sales order and work allocation quantities, Purchase order and work order on order quantities, Purchase unit of measure with conversion factor, Lead time, minimum order and order increment, Move inventory from one company location to another, Ship the orders individually or use a mass shipping function, Receive the orders individually or use a mass receiving function, Track the value of the orders to a GL account, Ship and receive in one step to expedite the process, Handle increases in inventory due to physical counts or other reasons, Handle reductions in inventory due to physical counts or other reasons, Set on hand inventory counts, prices, standard costs and average costs, Calculate values based on the average cost for the date given, Be filtered for a range of items, a product class or an item type, Be ordered by item, location or product class. A full ERP system designed by TIW Technology. Convert quotes, blanket, and recurring orders to sales orders or directly to invoices. Use a grid-based order entry screen to speed up order taking with a heads-down keyboard oriented approach. Establish payment terms using net, calendar and prox terms rules. This permits returns and credits to be handled within one order. Enrolled agent (EA) definition:A tax professional who represents taxpayers in matters where they are dealing with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Address The Configuration Module reports support data mining. Since dependency, where one decisions leads to subsequent choices, can be multiple levels deep, even the most complex products are completely supported. Select line items and quantities to receive when receiving partial orders. Modular (make a choice) and variable (enter a quantity) rules are supported.

Catherine Maberry Peek, Articles A


alere accounting acronym

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alere accounting acronym

alere accounting acronym