12 43 comments Best Add a Comment gundacurry 2 yr. ago https://www.fertstert.org/article/S0015-0282 (17)31371-7/fulltext lennylincs 2 yr. ago Our RE recommends trying again, but it feels like insanity to try the same thing without changing/adding anything or doing some tests. My doctor told me you can have an infection in the uterus and have no symptoms. Some are faster, and some are slower. I expect a call from my RE tomorrow, will ask about both of your suggestions, the immune protocol and antihistamine and see what she thinks . And since then Ive had medical issues that havent allowed me to try again until last month. (The embryo split!) And demand that my lining be over 8 before I allow another transfer to occur? Embryos with the right number of chromosomes are called euploid and may have a higher chance of making a pregnancy, although the evidence for this is controversial. Yes, and I believe it was due to doctor negligence. Im still u sure if this will go to term, but getting a 2nd opinion from a specialist in RPL sure has made a difference. Why do we have to wait until we have a second devastating failure? 2014). thank you for sharing! My doctor really only wants me to transfer one embryo, my husband and I want to do 2. I am 42. So what if the embryos are euploid? Success rates for graded euploids are given here https://www.remembryo.com/pgs-success-rates/#Embryo_grades_and_PGS_success_rates. My doctor is recommending a Receptiva test to uncover any other reasons why the pregnancies won't last. Euploid embryos are believed to have higher success rates and a reduced chance of miscarriage. I also stopped working night shifts (Im a nurse) to reduce my stress levels but that didnt help either. Well also look at the chances of getting a euploid based on age, the impact of embryo grade and the day it was frozen (Day 5, 6 or 7), and how rebiopsies or thaw and biopsies fare for success rates. 2018). For more up-to-date information on this topic check out my other posts that are tagged withEmbryo rebiopsy. For this group theyll have a better idea of what to expect. My current success was a FET with NO meds except vaginal progesterone. definitely worth asking! My dr never mentioned anything regarding epigenetic issues. Simon et al. Terms are highlighted every 3rd time to avoid repetition. I'm curious if this might have something to do with it. Yeah now Im just rethinking everything. Reply Share React operationpepper Dec 22, 2015 3:42 PM While those are great odds, sometimes the FET fails. Youre right! I ended up taking Lovenox and Prednisone and doing an endometrial scratch biopsy and ERA. I feel like your doctor should have mentioned the ERA and biopsy by now. 2) I feel like I've turned over every stone in trying to figure out what is wrong; does anyone have insight into how one would determine whether the problem is with the egg or with my body? The embryo biopsy can be utilized to perform preimplantation genetic screening or PGS. Ive had two chemicals and my RE suggested doing an endometrial receptivity assay (ERA). Good luck to you on this journey and I hope round 2 is successful for you!! I went into my second egg retrieval and got less eggs than the first time around. , thats definitely worth looking into as well! I know it only takes one good embryo to be successful and I understand the odds of having a good enough embryo to send for testing and having that testing turn out normal is very small. Seems to work for many, many women. Reminder: I have an integrated glossary in the text (terms are underlined with a dotted black line, and when you tap on it a window will pop up with the definition). Odds of success are roughly 70 percent. Mosaic embryos can be either low- or high . You said that The per retrieval statistic helps to see the chances before PGS testing. But it almost seems like there should be another set of statistics for better putting success rates into perspective. Reminder: I have an integrated glossary in the text (terms are underlined with a dotted black line, and when you tap on it a window will pop up with the definition). Im so confused as my RE says that morphology doesnt matter if theyre euploid. Check out mycomplete guide to embryo grading and success ratesto learn more about embryo development, grading and success rates. Im so sorry for your losses. undefined will no longer be visible to you including posts, replies, and photos. I dont see myself spending a fortune on acupuncture again. He suggested an endometrial biopsy instead. Its such a good point and one that is often missed, I think. Once I started hearing other people's stories I was shocked at how common it is- more so than I ever would have imagined. We have one day 7/Euploid Blast 5BB remaining on ice. I am 39 turning 40 this year. An embryo with more or fewer than 23 chromosome pairs may be at increased risk of miscarriage or certain genetic disorders. Another study agrees with these data (Franasiak et al. Segmental mosaics or single chromosome mosaics tend to perform better than multiple chromosome abnormalities which can approach 50% miscarriage rates. There are many potential causes of an . I know how devastating loss can be but theres always, always hope. Alternatively you can check out my websites tag for mosaic embryos here. We started some workup with my OB (TSH, karyotyping and carrier testing). Don't lose hope! Chemical pregnancy with PGS-tested embryo - Ask the RE My previous cycle where I started the prep medications (minivelle and ganirelix) was shorter (23 days) than my typical cycle (25-28) days. However, another doctor (2nd opinion) claimed that Receptiva would only be conducted for implantation failure and for those who had never seen positive pregnancy tests. Im going to try and run it by her again to see what she thinks. Unfortunately this isnt very clear at this point. However, the two transfers we did werent PGS tested. Your story does give me hope and I wish my little one is as strong as yours! END MENT And the fact that the embryo's are at least starting to implant is confusing me in relation to my lining - Does that mean that my thinner lining is OK? The antibiotics were pretty strong, but I think they upset my stomach more than they did my husband. I just received news today that out of our 14 blastocysts only 4 passed pgs and 1 with no result that we are retesting. Now I wonder if that could have been the culprit. Just thought Id throw this test out there though! I hope the ERA works too. Group Black's collective includes Essence, The Shade Room and Naturally Curly. My 2nd also failed and I had them do a thrombophilia panel on me and found I had a MTHFR mutation so we added folgard and he adjusted my days on progesterone and in addition to the suppositories I did the shots as well. At this point I am waiting to start my 5th miscarriage. While a PGS normal embryo means the chromosomes are normal, there is more to a baby than just chromosomes and sometimes it just doesnt work. At least testing a few variables like blood clotting. But it seems like the majority of twin pregnancies result in healthy babies. Neal et al. To count these women in, we can look at the per retrievaldata: Now when we look at everyone the stats look much different! We did accupuncutre 2x a week prior to transfer and a pre/post on transfer day as well. All that to say, it's likely that there actually was something wrong with that embryo - but it's worthwhile to leave no stone unturned before trying again. We are so happy about that, we just want this one to be the one. I know Im my heart I want to try again, but my brain is working overtime too - odds, finances, and the risk of suffering all over again, Im so sorry to hear all this! We have our lining check on Friday. Im surprised there are still doctors out there who do not bring up this protocol. Success is still very possible, IVF treatments are often a trial and error situation as my doctor put it once. You cant compare the per retrieval and per transfer stats against each other directly. TTC 3 years I've already previously had 2 hysteroscapies (previously had a uterine septum - one hysteroscapy removed it, the other confirmed there was no scar tissue left). Statistically speaking it takes an average of two transfers before a successful pregnancy. My first FET failed and it was devastating. Wishing you lots of luck. So they were both frozen on Day 6? I cried the whole way home. Another small study found no difference in survival or live birth rates with rebiopsied embryos (Cimadomo et al. Definitely heartbroken but trying to look forward. Criticisms of PGS - FertilityIQ My lining a week before transfer was 6.8, but trilaminar lining was present. 144 abnormal (aneuploid/mosaic) embryos and their outcomes. Im sorry for your loss My first was also a frozen transfer and I agree, there is more prep involved. Maybe the wash too? My husbands sperm analysis was only very slightly abnormal. Thank you! Nov 2, 2016 8:12 AM. I am 41 years old. More info in my profile about my testing and treatment, and Im open to answering any questions. Any advice is greatly appreciated. I was completely devastated because I never thought that would happen with a PGS. Hoping to hear from them soon . We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. Group Owners uphold the core values of the brand by reporting content that violates the community guidelines. think twice before sharing personal details, foster a friendly and supportive environment, remove fake accounts, spam and misinformation, delete posts that violate our community guidelines, reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts. I'm 37 years old, and I just had a chemical pregnancy with a PGS-tested embryo. Currently 8 weeks. I am curious to hear other peoples experiences, especially with 6 days blasts. Wondering if anyones had a similar experience or has any advice. On September 20th, we did my first IVF cycle. Miscarriages and embryo implantation failures vs PGT-A - MyIVFanswers.com For example, say a 39-year old woman has 3 embryos after her IVF cycle. We are absolutely crushed. This means that these women had euploid embryos for transfer. A genetically normal embryo has a 70% chance of a positive pregnancy test in any woman, whether she is 20 years old or 40 years old. Good luck and dont give up on hope yet! Theper retrievalstatistic helps to see the chancesbefore PGStesting. While I know my struggles are not unique I still feel so alone in this journey. (2021) in their multicenter prospective trial transferred 484 euploid, 282 low mosaic (where 20-30% of the cells are aneuploid) and 131 moderate mosaic (30-50%) embryos. She said that this is something that is prevalent in recurrent pregnancy loss and failed implantations.
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