return; var touchobj = ev.changedTouches[0]; break;
- Pelcula, Yo antes de ti. } r.addParameter('device', KL.device ); { // timeout abort return elements; catch(e) var maxheight = WA.browser.getWindowHeight(); 18 abril . if (currentplayer) { .icon-k7-uploadrecipe:before {content: "\e90b";} {gptSlot:n.getAdUnitPath(),divId:n.getSlotElementId()}:{}}function on(e,n){var t=Object.keys(e.mediaTypes||{banner:"banner"}).join(", ");return"\n ".concat(e.code," is a ").concat(t," ad unit\n containing bidders that don't support ").concat(t,": ").concat(n,".\n This bidder won't fetch demand.\n ")}function an(e){return Number.isInteger?Number.isInteger(e):"number"==typeof e&&isFinite(e)&&Math.floor(e)===e}function un(e){return e.replace(/(?:^|\.? { { var scrolltop = WA.browser.getScrollTop(); if (events[eventnode.listeneruid] == undefined) // already unregistered ? { // No suggestions support + parameters; function analyze() siteid: 272988, function setPeriodic(period, times) !W(m,n,r,t);return o||((0,a.logWarn)("TCF2 blocked auction for ".concat(r)),j.push(r)),o}))})),,[this,r].concat(o))),[this,r].concat(o))}function S(e,r){var n=s.rp.getConsentData();Z(n,7,"Analytics")? KL.Modules.stat.registerEventGA4('head/lang/close', {'send_to': 'G-X0MHE23QYB'}); //console.log("no carga window.FB") { } this.waitload = 10000; // wait X seconds before loading not visible data if needed { self.check = check; function changeq(event) KL.Modules.loginset.Logged(); { { this.unfixpage = unfixpage; // anything else (start with a letter ?)
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} WA.Managers.externloader.loadexterncode("//"); Si disfrutaste este artculo, asegrate de revisar tambin estas frases de buenos das para l que establecern el tono perfecto para su da. Las mejores frases inspiradoras sobre cocina Alain Ducasse "La excelencia est en la diversidad y el modo de progresar es conocer y comparar las diversidades de productos, culturas y. var hooksunload = {}; // llamar antes de que se descarga algo del bodycontainer see the array in the key: xkey, else "@type": "Rating", A menos que seas una pizza, la respuesta es s, puedo vivir sin ti. self.draglasttime = new Date().getTime();
/* Hooks RECON (cada 30 sec + lazy post time) */ function cerrartutorialmenus() margin: 0; case 'sticky_web': WA.JSON = function() {} return node.pageYOffset; WA.browser.isDom = document.getElementById && document.childNodes && document.createElement; var n = WA.toDOM( + '_tooltip'); this.onload = onload; if (WA.browser.isMSIE6) } setTimeout( function() { WA.Managers.ajax.destroyRequest(self); }, 1); Aborting consentManagement module and resuming auction. 'q("f", arguments);' + Las mejores cartas de amor para enamorar y transmitir - Innatia var nodo = document.getElementById('fira-styles'); }, Una mirada tuya basta para hacerme sonrer, enamorarme, ilusionarme, destrozarme y matarme. = loader + "%"; if (oldpage) // case '1x1': return '355871'; var t = node.offsetTop; { "@type": "ImageObject", if (WA.browser.isDom) // && (WA.browser.isMSIE7 || !WA.browser.isMSIE)) known properties: shift, control, alt, keycode, charcode, navigation key else{ return true; if (ev.type != 'DOMMouseScroll' && ev.type != 'mousewheel') ga('send', 'event', 'video', 'vid/playermobile', 'vid/pla/close', null); font-size: 12px; "))),n&&(0,c.isNumber)(n.timeout)?v=n.timeout:(v=50,(0,c.logInfo)("consentManagement.usp config did not specify timeout. return {bidder:"brightcom",params:{publisherId: placement}}; transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%); eventnode.context = WA.context; strkeywords += '.setTargeting("type", "''")'; "@type": "HowToStep", else if (self.method == 'PUT') { beforeflushs.push(functionflush); // pasamos a que sea una miniventana fixed top if (WA.isArray(data)) } 30+ frases para enamorar a esa persona especial - CVCLAVOZ datapile = [data]; }
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(B.q0.setTargetingForAst(e),s.emit(L,B.q0.getAllTargeting())):(0,a.logError)("window.apntag is not defined on the page")},Z.renderAd=(0,k.z3)("async",(function(e,n,t){if((0,a.logInfo)("Invoking pbjs.renderAd",arguments),(0,a.logMessage)("Calling renderAd with adId :"+n),n)try{var r=l.K.findBidByAdId(n);if(!r){var i="Error trying to write ad. } } document.head.appendChild(s); // Si ya paso por aqui, tenemos que llamar el hook ! /* ================================================================================ */ return ""; } 100% { margin-top: 0; } Es tiempo de mujeres: Claudia Sheinbaum felicita a la chef Elena Reygadas. !form) "))}))},j.getBidAdapter=function(e){return U[e]},j.getAnalyticsAdapter=function(e){return R[e]},j.callTimedOutBidders=function(e,n,t){{return n.params=(0,a.getUserConfiguredParams)(e,n.adUnitCode,n.bidder),n.timeout=t,n})),n=(0,a.groupBy)(n,"bidder"),Object.keys(n).forEach((function(e){V(e,"onTimeout",n[e])}))},j.callBidWonBidder=function(e,n,t){n.params=(0,a.getUserConfiguredParams)(t,n.adUnitCode,n.bidder),w.f.incrementBidderWinsCounter(n.adUnitCode,n.bidder),V(e,"onBidWon",n)},j.callSetTargetingBidder=function(e,n){V(e,"onSetTargeting",n)},j.callBidViewableBidder=function(e,n){V(e,"onBidViewable",n)},j.callBidderError=function(e,n,t){V(e,"onBidderError",{error:n,bidderRequest:t})},j.callDataDeletionRequest=(0,y.z3)("sync",(function(){for(var e=arguments.length,n=new Array(e),t=0;t
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