jean lafitte treasure found in texas

I'm a descendant of his first mate and so while as a general rule I love history/archeology/treasure hunting, naturally this is the treasure that interests me the most. The silver that Lafitte accumulated from selling captured slaves, cotton, and other goods was stored in wooden kegs or casks. Im ready to break out my metal detector! James Bowie went on an expedition to find it. Great story! In 1884 treasure hunters were all over the Sabine and a nearby lake that had been fed by the Sabine. The smuggling operations of the well-known privateer eventually came to a screeching halt, though, when the United States began enforcing the embargo in New Orleans city limits some time after the act passed. Adams was a Rusk County backwoodsman who wears an old slouch felt hat, bib overalls, and a denim jacket, buttoned at the throat even in hot weather, and a favorite character of columnist Frank X. Tolbert for many of his Tolberts Texas articles over the years. WebSpanish silver stolen by the privateer, Jean Lafitte. Anahuac Jack feels certain that evidence will show that the boat belonged to Lafitte. At that time, the legend was that Mexican land pirates lived along the lake and dumped gold, silver, and precious stones in the lake when they were attacked by the Texans or some other forces. Tatum reportedly built a device with buckets on a conveyor and operated by steam engines to attempt to bail the water from the lake. Besides the mysteries surrounding the locations of Lafittes buried booty, comes the mystery of the man himself. It featured Pirate Treasures. Peter Walker Adams lived in one of the houses on the hill near the lake and figured prominently in many of the newspaper stories. States officials granted him legal authority to pirate and capture British I have a file 2 in thick on Hendricks lake treasure. A man claiming to be Lafitte's grandson, John A. Lafitte of St. Joseph, Mo.. claimed an interest in the ship but would years later be proved a fake, Epperson said. Huge beautiful tree. WebPerhaps not coincidentally, this was the same area where his former slave trading colleague Jean Lafitte had once had his headquarters. According to a story by Mary Roger of the Fort Worth Star Telegram, the silver was indeed robbed from a galleon by Laffite and his mean in the early 19th century. Another legend has it that in 1595, Juan de Oate hid five silver bars, 4,336 gold ingots, nine burro loads of jewels, and four priceless Aztec codices (books or manuscripts) in the mine. below! Uncle Charlie" Cronea For decades the site has intrigued historians and treasure hunters. Here are seven stories of supposed buried lost treasure in Texas. most well-known buried treasure mystery still to this day is the unfound They then filled in the shaft. It also has references to other lost treasure spots in Texas. He was a He linked up with B.H. WebJean Lafitte is thought to have sunk a treasure ship containing $500,000 to $1,000,000 off south Padre Island. TSHA | Hendricks Lake - Handbook of Texas The lake is located in the extreme northeastern part of the county along the boundary between Rusk and Panola. He uses rain barrels to get his water. Its in the concrete shell stairs. In less than one year, Lafitte's small settlement grew to nearly 200 men and several women. Bass reportedly stole 3,000 gold bars from Union Pacific Railroad, some of which have been recovered, but there are gold bars that have still not been found, according to She had his only known son, Jean Pierre Lafitte. This would later be used to his great advantage. George Ward asks Jenny Kile Six Questions! As a former channel of the Sabine, Hendricks Lake is fed intermittently by Black Slough and by seasonal overflow from both Cherokee Bayou and the Sabine River. And where? He told me there is an old, very old oak tree. But I am humored by the following observations : 1) have you ever noticed that when these fabled treasures are discussed, that the past tense of the word "find" is invariably always used. consisted of the currency he would receive in exchange for his foreign goods as "He just got stuck.". Outside of work, you can likely find her curled up on the sofa with a hot cup of coffee, watching a crime TV show or scary movie. John Spong writes primarily about popular culture. By 1829, the mythical lost silver mine of San Saba began appearing on Austins maps of Texas. Most of the people were locals, from Lafourche Parish, the southern part, mainly Cut Off and Larose and the Gheens area, and also from the Des Allemands location. Throughout Lafittes Before I started to work on the story running in the July 2009 issue (Sleeping Booty) about California musician Nathan Smiths quixotic attempt to find a lost Spanish treasure ship near the town of Refugio, north of Corpus Christi, I assumed that there was no buried treasure at all in Texas. Moving on to piracy by around 1810, Lafitte was based at the secluded Barataria Bay inlet. There are Do you have have buried a large cache of treasure somewhere in the bayous of Louisiana. Both of them had consulted with Harry Rieseberg, the self-described worlds greatest underwater treasure hunter who had written articles about the legend in treasure magazines of the time. The story of rogue pirate Jean Lafitte is a fascinating one. The state of After pinpointing the wreck, he plans to have divers dig up to 9 feet deep for artifacts that might date or identify the ship. The fortune is said to have been stolen from the Spanish by Jean Lafitte. In Jean Lafitte's day, silver and gold filled a pirate's treasure chest, but today's treasures are people, places, and memories. They lowered another contraption through the pipe to the lake floor. . Orleanshe did not disappoint. i will try and take a picture of the location. Although the state owns the land and materials below the lake, it will coordinate its efforts with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which controls the surrounding property that is part of the Wallisville Reservoir project, he said. Get it? But why? History suggests there is a possibility that hidden treasuresgold coins, doubloons, precious jewelryare somewhere beneath the surface just waiting to be found! But why? And where? Louisianas most well-known buried treasure mystery still to this day is the unfound treasure of Jean Lafitte. There are many stories about famed pirate Jean Lafitte, but one places his lost buried treasure at the bottom of a lake right here in East Texas. Mary Roger also tells us about how some fishermen much later got an unusual catch in their hoop net when fishing in the Sabine River; entangled in their net were several silver bars. goal to once again evade U.S. seizure and to come back to it later. My favorite part of the legend is that the Guadalupe Mission in El Paso was built in way so that the shadows of the mission point to the Lost Padre Mine. We need your support because we are a non-profit organization that relies upon contributions from our community in order to record and preserve the history of our state. Gary Pinkerton, True Believers: Treasure Hunters at Hendricks Lake, East Texas Historical Journal 47 (2009). You are using an out of date browser. Other stories of Pirate Treasures are discussed. help him in his search. It happens every now and then," Hamilton said. I grant you that in this case the O.P. More than once the crane almost toppled into the water. Lafitte's men are said to have loaded the silver into wagons and given them to a trader named Nicholas Trammel to take to St. Louis. The Sabine River could potentially hold a $2 million fortune in stolen silver. Texas Jean Lafitte: Mystery of the Unfound Treasure - Pelican State of Probably inside the hidden stairs that went to the first floor of his mason rouge. People claim that a $2 million fortune stolen from the Spanish by Jean Lafitte was buried in the Sabine River. ships as a last-ditch effort to gain an advantage in the pivotal Battle of New Two films, starring Fredric March in the 1930s and Yul Brynner in the 1950s, also romanticized Lafitte's life, although Vogel notes that the pirate's life was "more equivalent to that of a 19th century cocaine smuggler. During the Mexican War of Independence, the Laffites served as spies for the Spanish, after moving to Galveston Island, Texas. I also. And if so is the treasure still there? that will never end. They did their research and, with dredging equipment and electronics gear, made multiple trips to Hendricks Lake but had no success. Jean Lafitte was sent to the Gulf of Mexico and Galveston Island where he took command of the island - with an iron fist. The story died down but regained momentum when treasure hunting became popular again in the fifties and when True West magazine printed an article about the long-forgotten silver prompting treasure hunters to flock to Carthage and Tatum. He then buried it in a sand dune on, In the early 19th century, the Texas army pushed Cherokee Indians from Tyler to Upshur County. Beyond Oak Island: The search for stolen pirate silver in The divers do feel some round objects, and a piece is United States no choice but to pursue his arrest. They send a probe down and it hit metal just before a giant storm hit, destroying the raft and any other evidence, according to Despite this, no silver bars were found. I don't know about that if the government wanted to dig, they would. Heart of Louisiana: Descendants of Jean Lafitte An historian named Herbert Bolton, using the original journals of the Mexicans from the eighteenth century, found what is now known as the Boyd shaft on Honey Creek. Also join us in the Facebook Group: Beyond Oak Island Treasures for more discussions. . Copyright 2019 by KSAT - All rights reserved. Lots of glass also. Singer & Co., which was renamed the Singer Manufacturing Company in 1865. Mysterious shipwreck off Galveston is full Buried Treasures in North America Jean Laffite's Loot Legend has it that Basss part of the money is in Cove Hollow, about thirty miles from Denton. It lies along the historic route of Trammels Trace, only one and one-quarter miles south of the location of Ramsdales Crossing/Ferry (Rocky Ford) on the Sabine River. The one I am thinking of was found. And the ship berry bros found look for gold on land nearby. The mud is deep on the bottom, and just as History suggests there is a possibility that hidden treasuresgold coins, doubloons, precious jewelryare somewhere beneath the surface just waiting to be found! His body was buried at sea in the Gulf of Honduras. accessed May 01, 2023, An estimated $340 million., And as I write, the treasure hunters are out there, hunting, hunting, and hunting. In related news - Art dealer Forrest Fenn revealed in June that a treasure chest he hid in the Rocky Mountains had been found. Skip Hollandsworth specializes in long-form narratives. As a backup plan, they would supply all adjacent markets with fresh fish on ice. The Galveston Daily News made light of the effort by suggesting they move their operation to the Gulf of Mexico since a good deal of wealth has been left under its waters by shipwrecks. A week after that humiliation, Paul Tatum clubbed a man to death after he made fun of Tatums attempt to drain the lake. Abilene Reporter-News, June 24, 1958. Lafitte knew that his new business outfit was hidden well enough that U.S. officials wouldnt be able to find him. wagons to be pushed down an embankment and into a lake. We use cookies to provide you with the best possible browsing experience. I know this thread is quite old now, but I'm wondering if any other information has been discovered about this? Official Blog of Pelican State Credit Union. The popularity of treasure hunting during this time period was profiled in numerous pulp magazines and news features, and the business of supplying treasure hunters was page one news in the Wall Street Journal. Daniel Vaughn is the countrys first barbecue editor, and he has eaten more barbecue than you have. By 1810, their successful smuggling operation had been supplemented with piracy. Legendary outlaw Sam Bass is said to have buried his bounty from stagecoach, train and bank robberies in several areas around the Texas Hill County. Cush Reeves. Later, someone else who got high metal readings tried to dynamite the bottom of the lake.

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jean lafitte treasure found in texas

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jean lafitte treasure found in texas

jean lafitte treasure found in texas