keyboard putting hash instead of pound sign

Effect of a "bad grade" in grad school applications. Instead of just closing the terminal window or killing the emulator, you can use the reset command, which sends a similar command (or several) to reset the terminal back to sane defaults. When you're done, hit escape to get out of insert mode and back to "command mode". So go to, Settings > General > Keyboard > Text Replacement. How a top-ranked engineering school reimagined CS curriculum (Ep. Here are a few cunning ways to get one. Its the same for the sign when your region is set to a European country. Are there any canonical examples of the Prime Directive being broken that aren't shown on screen? On a standard US keyboard, the # sign is located on the 3 key, where it's accessed while holding down the Shift key in Windows. Next, try, deleting the preference file: Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. However, Kelly's Korner provides a tiny Basic program, caplock.vbs, that will do the job. Chosen solution Hold down the Alt key, on the numerical keypad press 0163, then release the Alt key. Generate points along line, specifying the origin of point generation in QGIS. Docked in Taskbar is a good setting here. to show the emoji panel, then find the symbol in there (may be on a different tab if you haven't used it recently); Switch your keyboard setting to ENG UK (using Windows+Space) and type Shift+3; Switch your keyboard setting to ENG INTL (using Windows+Space) and type Shift+Alt Gr+4 To switch to it click the language shortcut to the left of the clock in the Notification area and choose UK. The opinions expressed above are the personal opinions of the authors, not of HP. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. On Mac OS X, simply press Option-3 for , or use the British layout, where and # are exchanged (Option-3 and Shift-3). Interpreting non-statistically significant results: Do we have "no evidence" or "insufficient evidence" to reject the null? iPhone v. Android: Which Is Best For You? Which was the first Sci-Fi story to predict obnoxious "robo calls". For the US-based layout, it's Shift + 3 instead. With 12 pence (d) to the shilling and 20 shillings to the pound. The simplest way to change keyboard mappings is, as mentioned, to use a free utility that will change the registry for you. However, Outlook Express is obsolescent: Microsoft replaced it with Windows Live Mail when Vista appeared. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Unless you reside in the UK where the "pound sign" is their sign for currency: . padding: clamp(17px, 5%, 40px) clamp(17px, 7%, 50px); # symbol not on my keyboard - Raspberry Pi Stack Exchange Each time I press the button it gives me a pound sterling sign. Read this answer in context 2 All Replies (4) John99 7/27/12, 2:17 AM more options Copy and past it from here $ # | ~ @ To open the On-Screen Keyboard. Using an Alt keyboard shortcut, insert the pound symbol by pressing and holding Alt 0163 or Alt 156 on the numeric keypad. However, you can use the Text Replacement tool so you can quickly type the symbol you need without worrying about regional settings. } I have open office on my laptop working OK. Running widows 7 Home edition. It just seems to do it at random. .form-preview .preview-submit-button button:hover { It doesnt do it every time you start up (so you dont need to re-select it as the default keyboard). how to find pound sign () on the keyboard Bhupinder Tube 35.6K subscribers Subscribe 50 20K views 2 years ago Keyboard Problems Solved In this video, I'll show you how to find the sign on. Just click on the jar, Wikipedia article on British and American keyboards, Start typing region (without the quotes), Click on Region and Language Settings when this choice is offered, If English (United Kingdom) does not appear under the heading Preferred languages then click on the plus sign (add a language), type English (without the quotes) into the search box and then select the correct version of English. I am ecstatic that I can use the computer for programming now. Use the On-Screen Keyboard (OSK) to type - Microsoft Support To type a sign, press Alt and type 0128 and it will appear in the text box or document. ', referring to the nuclear power plant in Ignalina, mean? Writing Tips: How to Use the Number Sign (#) - Proofed See. Mailing lnksMy PC has suddenly started to add a .lnk extension to any attachments that I send by email. In Windows, it works easily by using CTRL + ALT + 4, but tried all combinations for Ubuntu (14.04 LTS) and just can't make it work. In this video, I'll show you how to type the # (hash) sign on any keyboard that has a number pad. If the only issue you have is that is that Shift-3 should be # then a solution is to change the input source to Australian rather than British. You can always find it out by greping the keyboard layout config files under /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/* for sterling. If it is possible to type pound sign using US keyboard, then that will be great. By using this site, you accept the. Americans call both of these symbols by the term "pound", but the English never call "#" by "pound" for obvious reasons. You can see the resemblance. @MikeScott - that's also American-influenced, UK English doesn't use it to signify 'number' either. I can't get the keyboard to type the pound sign Switch between languages using the Language bar Edit: It occurred to me that while the "pound key", the "number key" and the "hash key" are the same key on a US keyboard, the "pound key" is a different key on a UK . It can also be used to represent the British Pound Sterling, or to indicate a number of other things. Is there a weapon that has the heavy property and the finesse property (or could this be obtained)? Instead, there is software (ie computer programming) that intercepts the keystroke you tapped and passes on an instruction to the operating system. Limiting the number of "Instance on Points" in the Viewport. The hash sign can be traced to a Roman unit of measure, the libra pondo (or "pound weight"). What's The #'s Real Name? - Setapp provides access to the Keysmith, IM, and Grids app for free for seven days. Your computer is likely setup for multiple keyboard layouts and a hotkey has been inadvertently pressed to switch between layouts. Pounds () and Hashes (#) - David Leonard Highlight the symbol using whichever method youre comfortable with usually the mouse and them press Ctrl+C to copy it. Irish should work too, but it is different on the Option level and has no . That US Intenational keyboard is annoying as when you type a quote character it waits for another key before typing anything. How about saving the world? 5 ways to Type the Number Sign (or Hash Symbol) on the Keyboard The Alt Code shortcut for the Hash Symbol is Alt. It's easy to do this by accident so the problem comes up often. If the keyboard settings are based in the United States, you may find that Option 3 refers to a (pound) rather than # on your Mac. Yet its most obscure incarnation must be its label as the "octothorpe". You should find the pound sign and Euro symbol on the top row. Press and hold Alt + 0163 or Alt + 156 on the numeric keypad. A key types the wrong sign: how to fix? - CCM If you find that hitting Option + 3 on your Mac types a (pound) instead of #, it might mean that your keyboard settings are US-based. On what basis are pardoning decisions made by presidents or governors when exercising their pardoning power? NIntegrate failed to converge to prescribed accuracy after 9 \ recursive bisections in x near {x}. Are you perhaps talking about something else, like the differences in the printing on the keys between ISO and ANSI hardware? Check that your keyboard layout is set to USA not UK in the O.S. 07961 387564 or 020 7627 8620 Common Keyboard Symbols Definitions, Uses and Styles - ThoughtCo However . Change your keyboard input device to Australian - the only change is making shift 3 #. border-radius: 6px; Copyright 2023 IDG Communications, Inc. For the Euro symbol press Ctrl+Alt+4 together, For the Pound sign press Shift+3 together. On the UK-English keyboard, the character above the number 3 is the . You can think of it also as an italicized tic-tac-toe game. The keyboard will remain on the screen until you close it. Re: Pound key has changed to a Hash key - WHY? It only takes a minute to sign up. width: 100%; You can also get on Windows by entering Alt+0163 or Alt+156. In computing, the # (here called a hash)designates comments or commands in a programming language, a permalink in a blog, and otheruses. Hello, and Welcome to the HP Support Community! All of these symbols, minus the *, *, and *, replace the *, *, and *. is a modified L and comes from Italian/Roman libra (also a unit of weight). Go to Override on Default Input Method and select your preferred language from the drop-down menu. You can switch between available languages and keyboards almost instantly by pressing the Windows key and Spacebar together. Try on-screen keyboard. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. It has a history of different names and uses in American English, including pound sign (used after a number to indicate weight in pounds), number sign (used in front of a number to indicate number (as in Please review item #2). If there's a way to swap # and then I'm in good shape. .form-preview .preview-submit-button button { computer support To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. You can also Pound is from the use of # instead of lb for the Imperial (16 ounce) measure of weight. If you want the US layout, you'll have to swap to US English. .form-preview .preview-input-field { Octothorpe is one name for the number symbol, also called a pound sign, number sign, hash, hashtag, comment sign, hex, cross, square, punch mark, grid, and others. We've put the pound sign on a clear line below so it's easier to copy: . Why does Acts not mention the deaths of Peter and Paul? This key can now be found near the Z key, which is a new location for the key. You can upload photos, videos, stories, send direct messages, use multiple accounts, and do a variety of other things with Instagram. For example, on a Windows keyboard, you can hold down the Alt key and type 0163 on the numeric keypad. I've made a few other videos to help people to type #. To type the Number Sign (#) on Mac, simultaneously press Shift + 3 on your Mac keyboard. I have dual boot configuration with Fedora and Windows XP. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. The octothorpe was invented by Bell Labs in the 1960s as a symbol to indicate the end of a line of code. Click on this to select a different installed keyboard. On the off chance you're using a Mac with a UK keyboard layout, you need to use alt+3 to get a # symbol. .form-preview .preview-input-field input:-ms-input-placeholder { Why? The only difference between Apple US and Apple British is the /# switch. ???? Now choose UK Keyboard. Note most developers have the opposite issue and want to match US and all Windows and Unix keyboards to have Shift 3 as # Share Improve this answer Follow edited Mar 2, 2016 at 13:16 To change the currency symbol on your keyboard, first find the 123 key in the lower-left corner of the keyboard. On my ASUS laptop, the key combination is Fn + Insert. How to type the @ sign in a web browser from a Spanish keyboard, Make Firefox act like other browsers: keep AltGr as Alt for default shortcuts no matter the keyboard layout, Counting and finding real solutions of an equation, How to convert a sequence of integers into a monomial. Literature about the category of finitary monads. Note that you can uninstall any unwanted keyboard files by clicking on them and then clicking on remove. System Tray) when the Language Bar is Docked in taskbar. Pound symbol in Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook Holding ctrl after lifting space bar shows the list of all added keyboards. Keyboard problems - When I press # it types - Tom's Guide Forum Open Keyboard Click on "Input Sources" If you don't see the keyboard you want in the left column, click on the "+" and then select the desired keyboard to add it Click on the (newly added) desired keyboard in the left hand column Reboot The 123 key can be found at the bottom left of the on-screen keyboard. The is on RightAlt+Shift+4. To hashtag on a US keyboard, press Ctrl 3. If you click on this though, you can see which is currently selected and, if desired, click on the other one. Then the server interprets the Unicode character 0x0092 that you are sending from the remote machine correctly in the first place. 565), Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI, Pound sign on Windows on MBP with US keyboard, Acer laptop's built-in keyboard and mouse not working in Windows. It's not them. Other applications include the following: Though its true origin has yet to be verified, one legend holds that the pound sign comes from the symbol for the Roman term libra pondo, which means "pound weight."

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keyboard putting hash instead of pound sign

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keyboard putting hash instead of pound sign

keyboard putting hash instead of pound sign