We recommend updating your browser to the latest version. With universities operating on the global stage, additional templates are needed to do international transfers. Capstone Strategies served the MTAs six agencies as a business transformation advisor focusing on Process Improvement, System Integration and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) for Public Service agencies. Firm: Voltamp Electrical Contractors, Inc. Penda Aiken, Inc. (718) 643-4880 Whether the material is incoming or outgoing, and whether the party we are contracting with is a government agency, academic institution, non-profit organization, or industrial partner, contracts of this type are negotiated by the Contracts Team in RSP. MTAs often include restrictions on how and to whom materials (and often modifications) can be shared. Contract Award: Scrap, surplus material and obsolete equipment are sold to the highest responsive and responsible bidder. and Fulton St. Stations, Crosstown Line, IND, in Brooklyn, C34864: Car Washer Repairs: Concourse Yard, C52164: Furnishing & Installing Passenger Identification (PID) CCTV at 103rd St. Station,8th Av. www.masstransitmag.com is using a security service for protection against online attacks. : 631.564.2613/ jdier@Citnalta.com. Finally, the Simple Letter Agreement and the UBMTA were developed by NIH and are really aimed at domestic transfers. To learn more about the MTAs MWBE Program,click here. Depending on the obligations, RSP may need to reach out to the original provider to ask permission or even tailor the Outgoing MTA to comply with the underlying obligations from the original provider. We no longer support this browser, so parts of the site might not work as you expect them to. Whether the materials were assigned to WARF. Gonzer Associates There are no fees charged. Lin International (212) 228-0662 Hill International (212) 443-3700 MP Engineer, P.C. Software People Inc. Procurements are solicited through a sealed competitive bidding process. : 646-529-6635,516-938-5476. Through the strong leadership of Michael Garner, the implementation of the $1M discretionary threshold, consistent community outreach and strong compliance monitoring, the MTA achieved the Governors full 30% spend goal on these assignments. :718-439-0049,917-748-7077. Thispage links to solicitations currently posted by MTA agencies to help vendors identify what they may wish to bid on. These IT assignments are the result of a contract that was originally awarded in 2016. University of Wisconsin-Madison 123 0 obj <> endobj New York State legislators have supported our diversity efforts and we are now demonstrating vastly improved diversity results. Make materials and data available on website for order. endstream endobj 124 0 obj <. (212) 354-5939 Fax: 608/262-5111, Effort Commitments and Payroll Certification, Extramural Support Policies and Procedures. MTA- Headquarters will be conducting these procurements through a secure online portal. Armand Corporation (856) 489-8200 A firm must register at www.mymta.info to gain access to the solicitation (s) listed below. The privilege has come from working with a professional staff that held us to consistent standards of excellence as we worked to make the MTA better. Lancesoft Inc. We recommend updating your browser to the latest version. Since March when theCOVIDpandemic began, the MTA has awarded $73.1 million in contracts to more than 26 NYS-certified and MTA-certified minority-owned and women-owned business enterprises to supply the necessary equipment, supplies and professional services needed to respond to the virus. Working with the MTA has been both a privilege and an opportunity,said Dwight McLeod, CEO, Capstone Strategy Group. www.masstransitmag.com is using a security service for protection against online attacks. The MTAs MWBE program has not only empowered MWBE firms to grow their businesses, but also enabled the MTA to sustain its reputation as a leading transportation provider known across the world.. (212) 906-6065 Mailing Address: DBE Goal: 20% Customer Service. SJH Engineering, P.C. Lin International, WSP USA, Inc. Award Amount: $200 Million Aggregate (est.). This is a 27-month contract for an estimated cost of $37 million, with the contract awardee providing all planning, design and engineering services to comply with MTA Construction and Development . Source Contracts Finder Type Contract (Services) Duration 3 year Value 5M . Last updated August 29th, 2022. . The Design-Build Contract will be awarded as a fixed lump sum price contract to the proposer that submits the proposal that MTA C&D determines, in its sole discretion, to offer the best value based on an evaluation of qualitative factors, as well as cost and schedule, following the twostep solicitation process. Firms & Phone #: A. G. Consulting Engineers, P.C. MP Engineer, P.C. Penda Aiken, Inc. (718) 643-4880 Firms & Phone #:A. G. Consulting Engineers, P.C. A firm must register at www.mymta.info to gain access to the solicitation (s) listed below. (212) 906-6065 Sharing material from human subjects requires a bit more care than sharing of other materials. To request a copy of the RFP(s) listed below, please contact Mr. Elvis Herrera by phone at 917-579-2486, or by e-mail at elvis.herrera1@mtabsc.org. Naik Consulting Group (732) 777-0030 Five (5) year contract for as-needed Parts Cleaner Rental and Parts Cleaner Maintenance Service. amount of that limit be used. We ask that researchers please review the MTA agreement in conjunction with existing obligations and the Important MTA Considerations listed above. MTA awards contract for Penn Station Access We have detected you are using an out-of-date browser. Quick discussions with both the commercial entity and the researcher can help us determine how best to handle the transfer. From WARF to the providers of the material to the funders of the research, there are many interests that pull on UW-Madison. In total approximately $118 million in contracts were awarded. This signal work is primarily funded in the 2015-2019 Capital Program. Firm: American Builders & Contracting, Inc. Firm Phone No. MTA awards contract for Verrazzano suicide-prevention fencing hbbd```b``"2j"YnH.f0y,&I{0"]{z]@~Y&^ , "9 e@g` C~` Out of 97 New York State agencies and public authorities, the MTA ranks number one in dollars paid to New York City-certified MWBEs paying $736 million to these businesses during the 2018-2019 fiscal year. This Contract contains funding provided by the U.S. Department of Transportation through a Grant from the Federal Transit Administration, Contract #:CH057D MTA Awards Contracts to 29 Minority-and-Women-Owned IT Companies Recognizing that there might need to be more protections for materials, the UBMTA provides additional terms to protect the rights of the providing institution. Metro encourages contractors to stay informed about Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) Contractor Registration Law and requirements. Award Amount:Aggregate Not-To-Exceed $36,000,000 RSP signs the Biomaterial Addendum, attaches the MTA to the addendum, and sends to WiCell. Madison, WI 53715-1218, General Inquiry: For WiCell deposits, a specific process has been worked out between UW-Madison and WiCell. MTA- Headquarters will be conducting these procurements through a secure online portal. Title:Professional and Technical Staffing and Services (Federal) MTA New York City Transit (NYCT) awarded a $245.8 million contract to L.K. Faithful + Gould, Inc. (732) 995-6320 An MTA-issued notice of award letter or blanket order release form may be used in lieu of a PO notifying Vendor that it has been awarded the Contract . Below are some items to keep in mind when receiving material or sending material to others: Firm:Approved General Contracting Inc. Firm:Daves Odd Job Inc. dba D&C Contracting, Firm:City Evolutionary Construction, LLC, Firm Phone No. The MTA has approved a $32.8 million contract to install permanent suicide-prevention fencing on the entirety of the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge, expected to be completed within two years.. Of the 29 MWBEs, 20 are based inside New York State, including 11 from New York City. Phone: 608/262-3822 Fax: 608/262-5111, 2023 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF). Jackson Avenue Station, Flushing Line, IRT, in the Borough of Queens, D81433: Project Management Consultant (PMC) Services for the ADA Accessibility Upgrade and Station Improvements of Eight (8) Stations in the Boroughs of Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, and the Bronx, C52147: Furnishing & Installing Electronic Security Systems (ESS) at the Wall St Station, Lexington Avenue Line, IRT Division and the Broad St Station, Nassau Loop Line, BMT Division in the Borough of Manhattan, CM030: Design-Build Services for Passenger Experience Enhancements and Finish Detailing for the East Side Access Project, CH058B: Design/Build Services for East Bound Re-Route Construction for the East Side Access Project, A37360 (SBMP): Street Stair Repairs at Rector Street Station, Manhattan, A37354 (SBMP): Street Stairs Repairs S6/M7AB at Ralph Avenue Station, Brooklyn, A37347: Elevated Street Stair Repairs S7/M13, S8/M10 at Brighton Beach Station, Brighton Line (BMT), in the Borough of Brooklyn, C34857: Sandy Repairs, Rockaway Line Wrap-Up, B Division, in the Borough of Queens, MN-143286: SBMP Beacon/Cold Spring Paving, 6377: Blue Point Yard Parking Lot Reconstruction, 6397: TVM Shelter Shed at 2 Stations--Brentwood and Deer Park Stations, RK-58: Randalls Island Roof Replacements and Fall Protection (SBMP), W81119-1: Ultra-Wideband (UWB) based Train Control System Pilot Program, W81119-2: Ultra-Wideband (UWB) based Train Control System Pilot Program, R50464: Replacement of Heating System at Main Street/Flushing Station, Flushing Line, in the Borough of Queens, E-34025R: Replacement of Two (2) Hydraulic Elevators at Grand Central Station Lexington Line (IRT); and Communications & Electrical Work for One (1) Hydraulic Elevator on the Flushing Line in the Borough of Manhattan, C43052: Upgrade of Communication Room 372A, Longwood Avenue Station, Borough of the Bronx, C30401: Rehabilitation of Deep Wells & Control Upgrade on the Nostrand Avenue Line in the Borough of Brooklyn, E34025R: Replacement of Two (2) Hydraulic Elevators at Grand Central Station Lexington Line (IRT); and Communication & Electrical Work for One (1) Hydraulic Elevator on the Flushing Line in the Borough of Manhattan, CM020 (SBMP): 37th Street Civil Work and Salvadoran Consulate Sidewalk Beam Repair, RK-PT: Cleaning and Painting of the Manhattan Plaza and Ramps at the Robert F. Kennedy Bridge, MP-PTX: Painting of Upper-Level Steel Work at the Marine Parkway Bridge, A37334: Subway Street Stairs at Grand Avenue-Newtown Station, Broadway Line (BMT), Queens, R50463: Installation of HVAC System at Forest Hills -71st Avenue Station, Queens Line (IND) in the Borough of Queens, C43053: Upgrade of Communication Room #343, Nostrand Avenue Station, Eastern Parkway Line, Brooklyn, B40611: Chassis Wash and Lift Replacement at College Point Bus Depot, Queens, E-34028: Replacement of 8 Traction Elevators at Various Locations (Clark Street), GEC-20-3042: Construction Administration and Inspection Services for Project RK-PT, Cleaning and Painting of the Manhattan Plaza and Ramps at the Robert F. Kennedy Bridge, C40247: Upgrade of CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) Facility Equipment at Spring Creek Bus Depot in the Borough of Brooklyn, E31713: Fan Plant Damper System Rehabilitation at Seven (7) Locations in the Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens, P36692: Miscellaneous Work at Concourse East 144th Street Substation Roof & Enclosure in the Bronx, C48721: Structural Repairs of Ventilators between Stations, Concourse Line (IND), from E 198th Street to E 205th Street in the Borough of the Bronx, A37671:Ventilator Reconstruction at E. 138th Street Grand Concourse Station on the Jerome Avenue Line (IRT), R50466: Replacement of Heating System at Retail Stores at 1720 Church Avenue, Brooklyn, VN-X4: Design Build Services for Installation of the Safety Fence on the Upper and Lower Roadways at the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, 6392: Installation of Foundations and Platforms for Signal Huts, A-37489: Digital Urban Panel Support/Stair Finishing @ Bedford Ave Station & 1st Ave Station, MN135847: Construction Supervision & Inspection Services for GCT & East Side Access Unified Trash Facility and the FCC/SMO Reconfiguration, MS896: Consultant Services to Develop and Implement MBE, WBE and SDVOB Outreach Program, A37151: Design-Build Services for Accessibility Upgrades at Eight Stations, 600000000027374: Comprehensive Maintenance, Repair and Inspection of Elevators at Eight Stations, C52141: Furnishing and Installing Electronic Security Systems at the 59th Street Columbus Circle Complex, 6355: Replacement of Ocean Avenue Substation, P36704: Replace High Tension Switchgear and Flood Mitigation at Montague Furman Substation in Brooklyn, GEC-20-3041: General Engineering Construction Administration and Inspection Services for Project RK-07 Ph1A, Structural Repairs at the RFK Bridge (Category B1 Line Structures), C40276: Window Replacement at JFK Bus Depot, C40275: Storerooms and Overall Reconfiguration at LaGuardia Bus Depot, E30512: Replace 8 Escalators 125th, Pelham Bay Park & Pelham Parkway, 181st Stations in Manhattan and the Bronx, E34026: Replace (11) Hydraulic Elevators at Various Locations in Manhattan, Brooklyn & Queens, W47019: Furnishing, Installing, and Testing Connection-Oriented Ethernet: Phase 3B at various locations, A37700: Furnishing and Installing Mechanical Closure Devices at Multiple Locations, C40274: Rehabilitation and Facility Upgrade at College Point Bus Depot (Queens), C30844-51: Indefinite Quantity Asbestos Abatement and Other Environmental Remediation Services, CH063: Design/Build Services for Harold Catenary Construction for the East Side Access Project, PS898: Environmental Engineering Consulting Services for Penn Station South Expansion, S33933: Code Cable Replacement on the Broadway/7th Avenue Line, IRT, in the borough of Manhattan, S33932: Life Cycle Replacement of Code System Phase I, Jamaica & Myrtle Avenue Lines, S33931: Life Cycle Replacement of Wheel Detector (WD) Speed Enforcement Systems, C52154: Installation of PID Box and Cables-CCTV at 18th Street Station, Manhattan, A31750E: Design and Construction of Accessibility Upgrades at 149th Street-Grand Concourse Complex, A37332: Street Stair Repairs S4/P6 at Prince St. Station, Broadway Line, BMT, Manhattan, P36444: Design-Build Services for the Rutgers Tube Rehab, C52153:Furnishing and Installing Passenger Identification (PID) CCTV System at 23rd Street Station, in the Borough of Manhattan, A37330: Subway Street Stair Components at Canal Street - 8th Avenue, Manhattan, C52152: Installation of PID Box and Cables - CCTV at 28th Street Station, Manhattan, C48703: Line Structure Component Repair Eastern Parkway Line (IRT), Brooklyn, A37328: Remedial Structural Work at Street Stairs S1 & S4 at 75th ST Elderts Lane & S4 at Cypress Hills Station, Jamaica (BMT), A37327 : Remedial Structural Work St. Stairs S1, S3, S4 at Woodhaven Blvd.& S1/M1, S2 at 85th Street Stations, Jamaica Line, 6353: Design-Build Services for Belmont Park Redevelopment of Elmont Station, A31750D: Design and Construction of Accessibility Upgrades at Livonia Avenue Station on the Canarsie Line in the Borough of Brooklyn (Design-Build), PS875: Development of a Master Plan for Penn Station, PS877: Project Management Consulting Services for the New York Penn Station LIRR Train Hall Renovation Project, PS883: Environmental Compliance and Engineering Services for the Penn Station Access Project, MC881A: Water Infiltration Mitigation Services on an AS-Needed Basis, PS864: General Engineering Consultant Services for the Penn Station Access Project, C-34287: Construction of MTA Police Department District 9 Building, CH058A: Harold Trackwork Part 4 B/C Approach Structure of the East Side Access Project, PS865-1 PS865-34: Professional and Technical Staffing and Services (Non-Federal), CS086: Tunnels Systems Package 2 Signal Installation and Testing for the East Side Access Project, PS866A PS866Z: Professional and Technical Staffing and Services (Federal), CH057D: Harold Trackwork Part 3 for the East Side Access Project, PS862-A to PS866Z: Independent Compliance Monitor, 6240: Design-Build Services for the Long Island Rail Road Expansion Project.
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