** No-hassle onlinetournament check-in** No additional charges for using the convenience of paying by credit card** Extremely responsive to teams scheduling needs based on travel distance and coaching conflicts. No tryouts necessary. With a win, either would temporarily move to the top of the table. With extraordinary Alumni like USWNT Alex Morgan and NPSL Kevin Venegas, ourcollective goal of this club is to see young soccer players mature into adults who will enjoy full participation in the social and economic life of their communities developing skill, sportsmanship and the value of teamwork without sacrificing the enjoyment of playing the most popular sport in the world. USYS National League Elite 64 Girls Tryouts -March 10th 2010-2011 | 5:15 - 6:45 PM 2009 | 7:00 - 8:30 PM, FC Premier Women (WPSL) Completes Inaugural Season. Club soccer requires a training commitment of at least two times per week (sometimes three) and involves both home and away games and tournaments on weekends. Approved volunteer roles are those for which sign-up opportunities are available through ivolunteer, approved team manager roles or other designated club-wide roles. Below is the refund policy for the MVLA registration fee: Requests made prior to the first day of team practice: 80% of registration refunded $100 between April 3rd and April 4th, 2023. For more information please call Teddy 650 796-7830 or email mvlatournaments@gmail.com, BAY AREA SPRING CUP 2023 - April 29th & 30th 2023. popularity skyrocketed - close to 600 teams applied in 2022 and had a great experience. Diablo Valley Wolves - MVLA. Trophies for both Finalists(1st and 2nd place), ** Medals for all teams in Final and Consolation matches (1st to 3rd place). With over 1000 players, hundreds of volunteers, MVLA is a community of families, parents and players who areMore than a Club. Team Back to Club Page Coach Rodney Helsel rhelsel1982@gmail.com Carlos Garcia Enriquez cnemanage@yahoo.com There are many ways to get involved including managing teams, joining the board and completing volunteer hours. Players will be placed into teams and participate in league play in the Fall 2023. Club fees cover these specific areas MVLA Registration Staff Passes (Coach and Managers) US Club & Cal North Insurance for operations Over the past years, MVLA has been providing opportunity for players at all ages, by offering scholarships and programs in the community. Tryouts necessary for new players to MVLA. We have partnered with TRAVELING TEAMS to secure discounted room blocks at a variety of tournament approved hotels close to our venues. Be sure to visit our Tryouts FAQpage for more information. Teams, Levels and Practices: 90+ competitive teams for players ages 7 to 18. Please do not call/email about what teams applied. Depending on the number of older teams that register we may extend to East Bay. Format and Fees: U8 - U10 (7v7) : $775 U11 - U12 (9v9) : $875 U13 - U19 (11v11) : $975 We have club partnership agreements in place to ensure most levels of competition will be available. MVLA Refund Policy for Fall 2022/Spring 2023 Annual Registration, MVLA Refund Policy for Fall 2023/Spring 2024 Annual Registration, MVLA Codes of Conduct for Coaches, Parents and Players, Concussion & Cardiac Arrest Information Sheets. MVLA incurs costs each time a player registers to play soccer. Visit our. Bay Area Spring Cup - mvla.gotsport.com Bellflower Car Show ** 2-day tournament, with 3rd Place consolation games in every division of 7 or more teams. Staff Passes (Coach and Managers) US Club & Cal North, Coaching fees (All trainings, league games, scrimmages, tournaments/showcases, etc), Website maintenance and technology services, Tournament/Showcases and State Cup Entrance fees (Note: Subject to change and some fees may be included in Club fees), Coaching traveling expenses for tournaments, Referee fees for more than 6 home games (if you are playing 2 leagues or NorCal State Cup). Reno MVLA Soccer Club takes pride in educating and training our players and coaches in a competitive, yet positive and fun environment. To view total hours volunteered go to ivolunteerand click on "My Commitments" to login. She played for UCLA from 2011-2014, where she was awarded The Honda Sports Award for best collegiate female athlete in soccer. Eight New Clubs Join NorCal Premier Soccer Fantastic job by the ladies and Coach Rodriguez. Days and times for practices are determined based on coach schedule and field availability and are announced closer to the start of the fall or spring season. Tournaments - Spring Cup, Capital Cup, High - Reno MVLA Soccer Club Most players in club soccer play both fall and spring seasons. * Medical Release forms - signed by parent (not needed if printed on the back of the pass or available online), * Loan/Guest Forms signed by all parties - if applicable, - usually printed on the back of the pass. In-house program (beginning Spring 2024). Please click on the LINK to reserve rooms. Our Open Tryouts for Fall 2023/Spring 2024 MVLA teams will be held the week of May 8 for our younger teams and evaluations after May 22 for older teams: Location: Foothill College Soccer Field (Interstate 280 at El Monte Rd., Los Altos by parking Lot 4 northwest side of campus on Perimeter Rd. Additionally, MVLA incurs costs each time a player registers to play soccer (administrative, staff, insurance, etc.). 2022/2023 Teams | Reno MVLA Soccer Club 2022/2023 Teams See below for our 2022/2023 Coach Assignments going into Open Tryouts. MVLA 07G Olympique Lyonnais Green 08:15 am John Mise State Premier - West: Sunday, Apr 23: MYSL Pacifica United SC G2007 Thunder Blue MVLA 07G Olympique Lyonnais Green 09:00 am Oceana high school State Premier - West: Saturday, May 6: MVLA 07G Olympique Lyonnais Green Reno MVLA Soccer Club | 2013 Girls Premier A | NorCal Premier Parents Mountain View Los Altos Soccer Club Tryouts necessary for new players to MVLA. Bellflower Car Show. Withdrawal Penalty: $100 after October 10th, 2022. Please note that families who receive financial aid are not eligible to receive the volunteer fee back since their financial aid is already grossed up to cover this fee.
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