1). Transformer top surfaces that are horizontal and readily accessible must be marked to prohibit storage on those surfaces. If someone props the door open (for example, because the room is hot and they need to work in there), and the inswing door blocks the vent of a transformer, that transformer is more likely to overheat. B. A reduction in clearance above only the overhanging portion of the roof to not less than 457 mm (18 in.) IMO, if you stick a fuse within a cord, and plug that cord into a receptacle outlet, you are outside the premises wiring system. Wire connectors, pigtails, locknuts, bushings, raceway connectors, grounding screws, and equipment bonding jumpers are not factors when calculating ____. The maximum number of conductors applies only if the box does not contain any ____. PDF Equipment Protection - Eaton You are right, and the other guy is wrong. For dc circuits only, the equipment grounding conductor may be run separately from the circuit conductors. Accessible (Equipment) Accessible equipment is equipment not guarded by locked doors, elevators, or other. 450.13(A) and (B): (A) Open Installations. B. (B) Suspended Ceilings. Electric equipment is considered to be effectively grounded if it is secured to, and in electrical contact with, a metal rack or structure that is provided for its support and the metal rack or structure is grounded by the method specified for the noncurrent-carrying metal parts of fixed equipment in paragraph (g)(8)(i) of this section. Circuit breakers and fuses must be readily accessible [240.24]. There was general agreement that climbing over or under something would render equipment accessible but not readily accessible. Duplexes control outlets of energy, as well as switches and can be used in conjunction such as a garbage disposal, Enclosed Equipment, conductors, ect. Cable tester is a device which is used to test a cable. Overcurrent devices do not have to be readily accessible if ____. Start your trial now! Plenum (Space) A. An appliance branch circuit supplies energy to one or more outlets for the purpose of ____. You will have to check the listing of the fuse and fuse holder. Nec Flashcards | Quizlet If a bollard will be installed, ensure there will be enough space on the bollard side of the transformer for maintenance and repair. , which is used indirectly or directly on electrical installations. Type AC cable must have a bending radius at least ____ times the diameter of the cable. Frames of electric ranges, wall-mounted ovens, counter-mounted cooking units, clothes dryers, and metal outlet or junction boxes that are part of the circuit for these appliances shall be grounded. Separately Derived System B. Occupational Safety & Health Administration. Liquidtight flexible metal conduit (LFMC) is a raceway of circular cross section having a(n) ____ over an inner flexible metal core. Identify and describe the step-by-step process used to install cable in the NCT Colledge buildings? A feeder consists of all circuit conductors located between the service equipment, the source of a separately derived system, or other power supply source and the final branchcircuit overcurrent device. A ceiling receptacle installed is not readily accessible, and it must have a ground-fault interrupter (GFCI). Here we see a general purpose branch circuit. Service Equipment ?Overcurrent Protection: 230.91 Location Exposed noncurrent-carrying metal parts of portable and mobile equipment shall be connected by an equipment grounding conductor to the point at which the system neutral impedance is grounded. Two exceptions to the make readily accessible rule are noted in Sec. Overcurrent devices do not have to be readily accessible if located within anded jacobs k. the connecting means is readily accessible the total of the conceitdees of wood local andards Located at the equipmenl where excess is achieved by the we of poetic ANS: PTS: REF: Definitions 3. Never set two transformers with their vents facing each other. Grounding triad These circuits exclude the connection of luminaires (lights) unless they are part of the appliance being connected. See 210. Grounding-type receptacles shall be installed only on circuits of the voltage class and current for which they are rated, except as provided in Table S-4 and Table S-5. Equipment found damaged or defective shall not be used until repaired; The following tests shall be performed on all cord sets and receptacles which are not a part of the permanent wiring of the building or structure, and cord- and plug-connected equipment required to be grounded: All equipment grounding conductors shall be tested for continuity and shall be electrically continuous; Each receptacle and attachment cap or plug shall be tested for correct attachment of the equipment grounding conductor. The biggest hang up we had was the use of the word "obstacle." A luminaire that weighs more than ____ pounds shall be supported independently of the outlet box, unless the outlet box is listed and marked for the maximum weight to be supported. All termination points are rated at 60 degrees Celsius The _______ is required to be connected to the grounded conductor of the sensitive electronic system on the line side of the separately derived system disconnecting means. Overcurrent devices shall be readily accessible to each employee or authorized building management personnel. Each conductor intentionally grounded must have . 28(7x2)5dx,u=7x2, A(n) ____ is a device intended to provide protection from the effects of arc faults by recognizing characteristics unique to arcing. A motor disconnecting means must be located in sight from the motor location as required by 430. An intersystem bonding termination will typically be used as a ground junction for a/anA. IMO 422.11 (E) 3 permits him to do this WITHOUT the fuse. 28(7x2)5dx,u=7x2\int 28(7 x-2)^{-5} d x, \quad u=7 x-2 Attachment Plug An attachment plug (plug cap) is a device that, when inserted into a receptacle establishes a connection between the conductors of a cord and the receptacle. The neutral point is the common point on a Wye-connection in a polyphase system. A cable assembly's ____ conductor can be used as a switch loop (leg) in single-pole, three-way, and four-way switch installations, even though it is an ungrounded (hot) conductor. Hrone dans la guerre de 100 ans (100 years war). PPSX National Electrical Code 2004 - Quia Accessible (Readily Accessible) Readily accessible means capable of being reached quickly without have to climb or remove obstacles. neutral disconnect link, 18. 4. 18. (This category includes conditions covered under the 3.05-m (10.0-ft) category where the voltage exceeds 300 V.). Damp locations are those subject to moderate degrees of moisture. - Receptacle Ratings for Various Size Circuits. 240.6(A). Check The Knowledge False A grounded conductor is a jumper to the main box on a feeder tube. Holes must be bored so that the edge of the hole is at least ____. Dry locations are those not normally subject to moisture except on a temporary basis such as a building under Construction NEC. A neutral conductor is defined as the conductor connected to the ____ that is intended to carry current under normal conditions. Not Readily Accessible Capable of being reached quickly for operation, renewal, or inspections without climbing over or having to remove obstacles. In Sight A. NEC defines in sight from, within, or within sight to the applied equipment and indicates that specified items or equipment is visible and not more than 50 Ft. apart. 110.14(C)(1)(a)(3) and Table 310.16]. Clearance from ground. The long-time trip element setting of a breaker or the minimum trip setting of an electronically actuated fuse may not exceed six times the ampacity of the conductor. Dry-type transformers having a secondary voltage of 1,000V or less are not required to be readily accessible. enclosed channel of metal (or nonmetallic) materials, article 100 defines raceway as a(n) ____designed expressly for holding wires, cables, or busbars. Above finished grade or sidewalks, or from any platform or projection from which they might be reached. Service Drop A. Transformers having a secondary voltage not exceeding 1,000V, with primary overcurrent protection only, must have the primary overcurrent protective device sized per the percentages shown in Table 450.3(B) and the percentages mentioned in its applicable notes [Sec. A separately derived system is a premises wiring system whose power is derived from a source of electric energy or equipment other than a service. When any element of this branch circuit is replaced, the entire branch circuit shall use an equipment grounding conductor that complies with all other provisions of paragraph (g) of this section. Much of what weve discussed here isnt explicitly required by the NEC. Location Wet A. Other land traversed by vehicles, including land used for cultivating or grazing and forests and orchards. Article 230.70 (A)(1) (1) Readily Accessible Location. Cord connections. Neutral Conductor or Point B. If the transformer will be set where forklifts might be present, ensure someone installs the correct protection (such as a bollard set into the floor). 240.6(A)]. The supply systems for sensitive electronic equipment are _______ systems.A. The overhead conductors between the utility electric supply and the service point. The service lateral is the underground conductors between the utility electric supply system and the service point. Signs warning of high voltage shall be posted where unqualified employees might come in contact with live parts. Conduit (Junction) Box, Conduit Body B. FS, FD and larger boxes (cast or sheet metal) are not classified as conduit bodies. NEC Requirements for Conductor Material Types and Sizing Requirements, Electrical Troubleshooting Quiz July 19, 2022, NEC Requirements for Overvoltage Protection, EC&M Tech Talk Video Medium-Voltage Conductors and Cable, Monthly Quiz: Grounding and Bonding Connections. Mandatory rules in the NEC contain the language There are a wide variety of supplementary fuses and fuse holders, which have small physical . Each service disconnecting means shall be suitable for the prevailing conditions. The conductors and equipment that deliver energy from the serving utility to the wiring system of the premises are called the service, Service Conductors A. Article 100 Electrical Code Definitions Understanding Code Accessible Dry-type transformers having a secondary voltage of 1,000V or less and not more than 50kVA can be installed above a suspended ceiling. It may be tempting for some people to use that room as a storage area. Overcurrent devices do not have to be readily accessible if ____. Receptacle A. Readily accessible We recently had a spirited discussion on the job about the term "readily accessible" and what that really means in the NEC. 5. The following additional requirements apply to feeders only: Conductors tapped to a feeder may be protected by the feeder overcurrent device where that overcurrent device also protects the tap conductor. Branch circuits are divided into four categories: Appliance, General purpose, Individual, and Multi-wire. Overcurrent protection for transformers not over 1,000V. k=13k51. A violinist places her finger so that the vibrating section of a 1.0 g/m string has a length of 30 cm, then she draws her bow across it. outer liquidtight, nonmetallic, sunlight-resistant jacket. Code Change Summary: Revised code language on the accessibility requirements for overcurrent devices. ", The continuous ampere rating of a fuse may not exceed three times the ampacity of the conductors. = Accessible equipment is equipment not guarded by locked doors, elevators, or other effective means (ARTICLE 100) = Overcurrent devices do not have to be readily accessible, if located adjacent to the equipment, where access is achieved by the use of portable means [ladder] (ARTICLE 240.24(A)(4) Communications conductors alone -- no requirement. Systems supplying portable or mobile high voltage equipment, other than substations installed on a temporary basis, shall comply with the following: The system shall have its neutral grounded through an impedance.
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