pathfinder: kingmaker token of the dryad

He will tell you that he is no thief, having been falsely accused by a merchant in the capital. Sod off, Ntavi, he needs a proper name! If you succeeded in the skill check, you can challenge him about the berries. You should be able to turn in a bunch of artifacts to Storyteller: Cypress relics, Taldan relics, Forest Knight's Bracers and Ring of Reckless Courage. None of the enemies drop anything noteworthy (besides Masterwork weapons) but there's a hidden crate near the fence with some scrolls and a Shard of Knight's Bracers (9/10). which can of course be much more useful than getting a few . If you have completed Witch Hunt, rest and return to your capital. it's Starday or Sunday), you can kill time in the kingdom management screen. Controlled Fireball) to take out the swarms. At some point, you will have a scripted encounter with a group of travellers. The Hunting Lodge is a short distance to the east of your capital. A monster stole her great-grandmother's string of pearls. Token of the Dryad (Perception DC 19). If Kesten went to the Womb of Lamashtu, buff up now. Some dryads are bound to rare trees, such as a clonal . STR: 8, DEX: 22, CON: 12, INT: 12, WIS: 9, CHA: 9. A short distance to the right is an abandoned goblin cart with some minor loot. Grab the Hydra's Head from its remains. There are also a number of trash enemies - two Sentries and three Sly Eyes which are irrelevant. You can remove the top and bottom ones, but attempting to remove either of the middle two will trigger the encounter in this cave. At the end, you will find the so-called Goblin Prince who is wearing the pearls on his head. If you search behind the hit near the cages, you will find a crate containing some gold, a Robe of Air and a Melted Shard of a Ring (11/13). When the enemies are dead, you can grab some loot from the area. I'm talking about the token of dryad ,taldan warrior dogtag or torag's pendant. There are also two stealthed Venomanticores. If you killed or exiled her, the Priest will "curse" you": +2 to Persuasion, -1 AC vs animals and magical beasts. You will find the Pitaxian contingent lounging by a campfire. When the time is up, you will receive the "Monster Invasion" event card, which requires you to go to the your throne room. Search the body on the ground for a Dirty Notebook which makes for amusing reading and a Jagged Key which can open the chest in the Fake Stag Lord's camp if the lock was beyond your means. As you head west through the village, you will see a group of goblins fleeing from a Primal Manticore. Continue to the tower and the Ancient Roc will fly down to defend her nest. Agree to help to initiate her artisan quest. Mim has a broken ankle. Can I sell it for more to a collector ? Tristian and Jhod will arrive with the report for the events at Bald Hill, earning you 6500G. A cache in the southwest of the area contains a Token of the Dryad. When you emerge on the other side, you will be treated to a brief vision, Head north and you will be treated to a lengthy scene. The result of the vivisection - regardless of choice - is a seed that summons a monster. Continue south at the junction and at the next junction, head east to reach the Technic League Hideout. Visit her outside her shop and she will tell you about an associate, Ollie, who disappeared with a chest of gemstones which was to be a downpayment for an amazingly rare item. Otherwise, you'll learn that she is hunting a gang of ruthless bandits led by - you guessed it - Varrask. 85. r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker. She is the widow of the dead trader whose body you found at the Lone House. Welcome to our Official Pathfinder: Kingmaker walkthrough and guide brought to you in collaboration with Owlcat Games. Equip the first world lantern in a belt slot. The area to the west of the pen is trapped. Loot the camp before speaking to Nilak. The Neutral option means that you'll be waiting a fair while to acquire one, so you may as well as swallow your conscience and agree to look for one. You have to climb a ladder to free the last slave. A box next to him contains some minor loot while a sack nearby contains a Belt of Incredible Dexterity +4. Instead, head west to kill a Technic League Conjurer and a Technic League Alchemist. There are a group of bandits that you can eavesdrop on if you can make progressively more difficult stealth checks: DC17, DC19 and DC21. You'll want Displacement to go toe-to-toe with this creature, because its attacks are extremely damaging. After you've killed it, you will have to make a choice as to whether to keep the disturbing implications to yourself or warn the people. Nok-Nok will run ahead and taunt the king ("shatshanks drench breeches" - an insult to cherish). Credit for the information on this page goes to Unikatze / Christopher Gerlach and the Pathfinder: Kingmaker community. However, it has no special properties. On the left of the cave is a locked (DC29) chest with a pair of Bracers of Armor +4 and the Peridot Wyvern which may be used to summon an ally for a few minutes per day. Your conversation will be rudely interrupted by Chieftain Akaia. Keep an eye out for the Arch-Chemist behind the fence whom you may not initially spot until he starts lobbing bombs. A dryad appears as a comely humanoid. When they're all cleared, start heading north for an interesting vision about something called an "Everblooming Flower". Suggest he have a drink with you and you can make a Diplomacy check (DC22) to get him to relax. If your alignment is chaotic, you can respond rudely Jamandi's haughtiness. r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker Preorders of Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Season Pass 2 on Steam, GOG, and EGS are open! When they leave, loot the cart for some provisions, including a very valuable First World Fruit. They drop loot worth about 3K if you want to go all Lawful on them. If you go south from here, you will be able to go behind the first hydra pen. Go southeast and east to find the place. You have a number of choices. Don't go through yet, but there's no reason why you can't deal with the group of goblins guarding it who become hostile as you approach. Unfortunately, for the optimum outcome to Amiri's questline, you have to pull them apart. After some more back and forth, you will leave the camp. The Storyteller has a supernatural ability to . Head northwest and some fleeing barbarians will come running past you. They're still dangerous in packs so get the drop on them and use something like Fascinate to manage them. The next check is Strength 18 or Dexterity 18 - choose the one you're least likely to fail. Do so and ask him what he wanted to tell you. Continue north. Continue along the path to the end. Morhalan's hiding place will be revealed on your world map. If you kept the Trailblazer's Helm, it will come in useful as well. The Dweomerowlbear has Mirror Image which makes it a royal pain to deal with. Because why not? As you make your way west, you will face a Poisonous Hydra - the bandits weren't lying about that. This thread is archived . Instead, make a hard save here and play the Varnhold's Lot campaign first. Wild Empathy (Su) This works like the druid's wild empathy class feature, except the dryad has a +6 racial bonus on the check. In case you're wondering, you still can't go further east. Maegar will send you a bunch of goodies. He claims to have been a smith in Kyonin, where the forge burned out his eyes. Sounds like a fetch quest! Agree to track down the poachers. When all the enemies are taken care of, grab some minor loot from the chest and go through the portal marked "The Twisted Passage". After you've taken care of them, pay attention to the blue fog. When Irlene delivers her first item, she will have a proposal for you. If you agreed to hunt for a unicorn horn, the Swamp Witch's Hut has a quest marker for this, but this is erroneous. After this, you should concentrate on the following: If you have any time remaining, you should level up the new advisors as much as possible: After the events at Bald Hill, your envoy will inform you that a hunt has been arranged to eliminate the magical beasts ravaging your lands. Otherwise, you'll take a mauling if it lands some hits. Interact with the dais and place the Mysterious Bird on there. You need concealment and haste. There's a locked (DC28) chest to the right of the flower with some minor loot. You can grab Unicorn Horns from all four Unicorns. By "green jewels", she means an emerald. I recommend that you go to the Womb of Lamashtu first and for the purposes of a walkthrough, I'll assume that you're going to do that. The enemies drop Masterwork weapons or minor magic items. After you've destroyed him, loot Fionn's remains for a Frost Greataxe +1, a suit of Banded Mail +2 and a useful pair of Swiftfoot Boots. She tells you that they have been spotted on your lands, revealing the Six Bears Camp on your world map. Nok-Nok should start off close and Dog (or Okbo by now) should be able to charge up ahead of the rest of your party. Stand your frontline in the doorway and let them come to you. This leads to a location with a very tough enemy, the Enlarged Owlbear-like Treant. You have to Visit the Shrine of Lamashtu on a Moonday. There are two Brawlers (Barbarian / Rogue) and a level 10 Alchemist. A dryad can forge a new bond with a new tree by performing a 24-hour ritual and making a successful DC 20 Will save. It seems that Tigni has been profiteering. On the second rise, you will have to clear a couple of Greater Giant Spiders. When it's dead, your main team will rejoin them and you will be attacked by a Primal Manticore and a Primal Hydra. There's a bit of loot to grab in the next cave (but mercifully no more spiders). Regongar and Octavia will announce that they've also found Janush's ledger, which should say who originally sold them. Killing it will aggro the rest of the nearby creatures - two Quickbears, a Black Dweomerowlbear and another Quickhydra. Location: south of the Swamp Witch's Hut. Return to Tatzlford, Give Kimo his flower and and the confirmation of innocence to the guard. Take the turning left down to the river bank where you will find a group of 7th and 8th level goblins. Head forward into the first cave. You will have a good / evil choice to make but it seems to me that the evil choice is simply dumb. I recommend that you make the settlement in Silverstep your second town to facilitate managing your kingdom in the next act. There are four switches in the wall. If you don't kill them now, you will have to deal with them a little later, so you might as well. Even if you do have the right alignment to simply get the crowd to disperse, it is worthwhile to let the citizens air their grievances if you have good Persuasion. If you prefer to return to your capital, skip ahead. You'll have a couple of traps to clear and you will meet a pair of escaped prisoners. Like all good cowards, he brings his mates along, in this case four Nightmare Skeleton Soldiers who come from all sides. Next to the river is a Token of the Dryad. When you go to leave, Nok-Nok will ask to join your party. 25 days-or-so before the deadline, your kingdom will align with your current alignment, rather than the one you had back at the start of Act 1. Click on the campfire to rest and when you awaken, click on the dais again to obtain the Bird Bones. Tell Sharel about Morhalan's arrest to complete the quest.

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pathfinder: kingmaker token of the dryad

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pathfinder: kingmaker token of the dryad

pathfinder: kingmaker token of the dryad