phantom forces aimbot script pastebin 2021

Open the game, open your roblox exploit, click the inject button, paste your script and click the execute button! Ehub V4 - THE BEST PHANTOM FORCES GUI - | 0.44 KB, C++ | 29 min ago local uis = game:GetService("UserInputService"), local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))(), local Window = Library.CreateLib("CNF'S PF-Hack", "DarkTheme"), local AimbotTab = Window:NewTab("Aimbot"), local AimbotSection = AimbotTab:NewSection("Aimbot"), local EspSection = EspTab:NewSection("ESP"), local ExperimentalTab = Window:NewTab("Experimental"), local SASection = ExperimentalTab:NewSection("Silent Aim"), local BindsSection = BindsTab:NewSection("Binds"), local ColorSection = ColorTab:NewSection("Color"), local AbColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 128, 128), local EspColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 128, 128), ColorSection:NewColorPicker("Fov Ring Color", "", Color3.fromRGB(255,128,128), function(color), ColorSection:NewColorPicker("Esp Color", "", Color3.fromRGB(255,128,128), function(color), local function isPointVisible(targetForWallCheck, mw), local castPoints = {targetForWallCheck.PrimaryPart.Position}, local ignoreList = {targetForWallCheck, game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character, game.Workspace.CurrentCamera}, local result = workspace.CurrentCamera:GetPartsObscuringTarget(castPoints, ignoreList), AimbotSection:NewToggle("Enabled", "", function(state), abLoop = rs.RenderStepped:Connect(function(), FOVring.Radius = fov / workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView, FOVring.Position = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize/2, if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Team.Name == "Ghosts" then team = "Phantoms" else team = "Ghosts" end, local target =, math.huge), if game.Workspace.Players:FindFirstChild(team) then, for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace.Players:FindFirstChild(team):GetChildren()) do, local ScreenSpacePos, IsOnScreen = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera:WorldToViewportPoint(pos), ScreenSpacePos =, ScreenSpacePos.Y) - game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize/2, if IsOnScreen and ScreenSpacePos.Magnitude < target.Magnitude and (isPointVisible(v, maxWalls) or not wallCheck) then, if target.Magnitude <= fov / workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView and uis:IsMouseButtonPressed(Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2) then, if target ~=, math.huge) then, mousemoverel(target.X/smoothing, target.Y/smoothing), AimbotSection:NewToggle("Wall Check", "", function(state) wallCheck = state end), AimbotSection:NewSlider("Max Wallbangs", "Inclusive", 50, 0, function(s) maxWalls = s end), AimbotSection:NewSlider("Fov", "", 50000, 500, function(s) fov = s end), AimbotSection:NewSlider("Smoothing", "", 300, 100, function(s) smoothing = s/100 end), AimbotSection:NewDropdown("Target Part", "", {"Head", "Torso", "Right Arm", "Left Arm", "Right Leg", "Left Leg"}, function(currentOption) abTargetPart = currentOption end), saLoop = rs.RenderStepped:Connect(function(), FOVring.Radius = safov / workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView, saFovRingList[#saFovRingList+1] = FOVring, local last =, math.huge), if (v[saTargetPart].Position - Workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame.Position).Magnitude <= panicDistance and panicMode then, if IsOnScreen and ScreenSpacePos.Magnitude < last.Magnitude and ScreenSpacePos.Magnitude <= (safov / workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView) and (isPointVisible(v, saWallBangs) or not saWallCheck) then, motor = Workspace.CurrentCamera:GetChildren()[3].Trigger.Motor6D, local cf2 =, targetPos), gunCF = motor.Part0.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(cf2), OldIndex = hookmetamethod(game, "__newindex", newcclosure(function(), if sa and motor and gunCF and Self == motor and Key == "C0" then, SASection:NewToggle("Silent Aim", "", function(state), SASection:NewToggle("Wall Check", "", function(state) saWallCheck = state end), SASection:NewSlider("Max Wallbangs", "Inclusive", 50, 0, function(s) saWallBangs = s end), SASection:NewSlider("Fov", "", 50000, 500, function(s) safov = s end), SASection:NewDropdown("Target Part", "", {"Head", "Torso", "Right Arm", "Left Arm", "Right Leg", "Left Leg"}, function(currentOption)saTargetPart = currentOption end), SASection:NewToggle("Panic Mode", "Will track closest player if they are within panic distance", function(state) panicMode = state end), SASection:NewSlider("Panic Distance", "", 40, 5, function(s) panicDistance = s end), EspSection:NewToggle("Enabled", "", function(state), espLoop = rs.RenderStepped:Connect(function(), a = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Torso.CFrame:PointToWorldSpace(, height/2, 0))), b = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Torso.CFrame:PointToWorldSpace(, height/2, 0))), c = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Torso.CFrame:PointToWorldSpace(, -height/2, 0))), d = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Torso.CFrame:PointToWorldSpace(, -height/2, 0))), BindsSection:NewKeybind("Toggle UI", "", Enum.KeyCode.F, function(), C++ | Phantom Forces GUI script for Roblox Functions: Aimbot ESP Instant Aim, Reload No Recoil, Sway, Spread loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))() Script 1 file(s) 120.00 KB Download Phantom Forces Roblox Games We have put together the latest updated working Phantom Forces Scripts for you below. Home Roblox Phantom Forces Script Aimbot, ESP, Silent Aim and more 2023. Phantom Forces Script is a free cheat for nebulous vision drives, one of the notable roblox games. | 0.24 KB, C++ | By continuing to use Pastebin, you agree to our use of cookies as described in the. ! [ Disclaimers ]- I'm just reviewing the scripts, I do NOT own them but just show them to a broader audience.- All credits to the script creators/owners. [ Copyright ]- All the videos, songs, images, and graphics used in the video belong to their respective owners and I or this channel does not claim any right over them.- Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Since we share it on the Ubuntu pastebin page, you can use it without downloading it. 39 min ago 4,604 . API tools faq. The games graphics and sound appear to be quite good, and its mechanics, which primarily involve running and gunning opponents, appear to be as solid as they come. targetpart = 'Head' -- Don't change this. 4 min ago Download: 1515_____phantom forces script,phantom forc. Cannot retrieve contributors at this time 1 lines (1 sloc) 76 Bytes RawBlame Phantom Forces Hack is newly released and you can use it for free from ubuntu pastebin site. The Phantom Forces game contains the majority of the popular weapon spoofs; we call them spoofs because their names differ from their original names. IgnoreWalls = true --Do you want to shoot through walls? Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. 44 min ago Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters, loadstring(game:HttpGet((""), true))(). ';Duration=4;}), FovGui.Position =,FovGui.AbsoluteSize.X/2,0,FovGui.AbsoluteSize.Y/2), Indicator.Position =,0,0,40), FovGui:TweenSize(,Camera.ViewportSize.X/(90/fov)*2.35,0,Camera.ViewportSize.X/(90/fov)*2.35),Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,.1,true), FovGui:TweenSize(,Camera.ViewportSize.X/(90/fov)*2,0,Camera.ViewportSize.X/(90/fov)*2),Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,.1,true), Indicator.Text = (aim_priority>1 and 'FOV: '..fov or 'Distance') ..'\nSens: '..sens..(aim_toggled and '\nAiming' or ''), if not bottompos then Bottom.Position = cursor.Position end, if v~=Bottom and not Players:FindFirstChild(v.Name) then, if Char and spawned and v~=Player and Char:FindFirstChild(targetpart) and distfromspawn(v)>100 then, if ffa or v.TeamColor~=Player.TeamColor then, local X = Camera:GetPartsObscuringTarget({Camera.CFrame.p,Char[targetpart].CFrame.p},{v.Character,Char,Camera,unpack(windows)}), local Dist = Player:DistanceFromCharacter(Char:FindFirstChild(targetpart).Position), local Folder = ESP:FindFirstChild(v.Name) or'Folder',ESP), local Head = Folder:FindFirstChild('Head') or'Frame',Folder), if not Folder:FindFirstChild('Head') then, Head.BackgroundColor3 = #X>0 and hiddencolor or #X==0 and visiblecolor, Head.Rotation = headboxshape=='diamond' and 45 or 0, local HP = Folder:FindFirstChild('HP') or'TextLabel',Folder), HP.TextTransparency = Head.BackgroundTransparency-.4, HP.Text = showdists and Char.Name..'\n'..math.floor(Dist+.5) or Char.Name, Head.Size =,headboxaimsize,0,headboxaimsize), HP.Text = showdists and '['..Char.Name..']'..'\n'..math.floor(Dist+.5) or '['..Char.Name..']', Head.Size =,headboxsize,0,headboxsize), local toScreen = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Char[targetpart].CFrame.p), Head.Position =,toScreen.X-Head.Size.X.Offset/2,0,toScreen.Y-Head.Size.Y.Offset/2), HP.Position =,0,0,textoffset), local Line = DrawLine(Folder,ESP.Bottom,Head,linesize,Head.BackgroundColor3,.75,1,,0,0)), local imtired = Folder:FindFirstChild(ESP.Bottom.Name..'-'..Head.Name), if toScreen.Z<=0 then Head.Visible = false else Head.Visible = true end, if Char:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') and Char.Humanoid.RigType==Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6 then, local Neck = Folder:FindFirstChild('Neck') or'Frame',Folder), local Pos = (Char.Torso.CFrame*,.8,0)).p, local X,Y,Z = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Pos).X,Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Pos).Y,Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Pos).Z, if Z<=0 then Neck.Visible = false else Neck.Visible = true end, local Pelvis = Folder:FindFirstChild('Pelvis') or'Frame',Folder), local Pos = (Char.Torso.CFrame*,-1,0)).p, if Z<=0 then Pelvis.Visible = false else Pelvis.Visible = true end, local RightFoot = Folder:FindFirstChild('Right Foot') or'Frame',Folder), local Pos = (Char['Right Leg'].CFrame*,-1,0)).p, if Z<=0 then RightFoot.Visible = false else RightFoot.Visible = true end, local LeftFoot = Folder:FindFirstChild('Left Foot') or'Frame',Folder), local Pos = (Char['Left Leg'].CFrame*,-1,0)).p, if Z<=0 then LeftFoot.Visible = false else LeftFoot.Visible = true end, local RightHand = Folder:FindFirstChild('Right Hand') or'Frame',Folder), local Pos = (Char['Right Arm'].CFrame*,-1,0)).p, if Z<=0 then RightHand.Visible = false else RightHand.Visible = true end, local LeftHand = Folder:FindFirstChild('Left Hand') or'Frame',Folder), local Pos = (Char['Left Arm'].CFrame*,-1,0)).p, if Z<=0 then LeftHand.Visible = false else LeftHand.Visible = true end, if Head.Visible then DrawLine(Folder,Head,Neck,1,,1,1),Head.BackgroundTransparency) end, if Neck.Visible then DrawLine(Folder,Neck,Pelvis,1,,1,1),Head.BackgroundTransparency) end, if Neck.Visible then DrawLine(Folder,Neck,RightHand,1,,1,1),Head.BackgroundTransparency) end, if Neck.Visible then DrawLine(Folder,Neck,LeftHand,1,,1,1),Head.BackgroundTransparency) end, if Pelvis.Visible then DrawLine(Folder,Pelvis,RightFoot,1,,1,1),Head.BackgroundTransparency) end, if Pelvis.Visible then DrawLine(Folder,Pelvis,LeftFoot,1,,1,1),Head.BackgroundTransparency) end, if Part:IsA('BasePart') and Part.Name~='HumanoidRootPart' then, local Adornment = Folder:FindFirstChild(Part.Name..'_Cham') or'BoxHandleAdornment',Folder), if not Folder:FindFirstChild(Part.Name..'_Cham') then, Adornment.Size = Part.Name=='Head' and,1,1) or Part.Size, for _,v in next,Folder:GetDescendants() do, if bounding_box and Char:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then, local Box = Char:FindFirstChild('Box') or'BillboardGui',Char), Box.Adornee = Char:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart'), Box.StudsOffset =,-Box.Adornee.Size.Y/4,0), Top.Size =,0,0,box_line_size), Bot.Position =,0,1,-box_line_size), Right.Position =,-box_line_size,0,0), v.BackgroundColor3 = Head.BackgroundColor3, if lockedon and target and aim_line and ESP:FindFirstChild(target.Name) then, DrawLine(ESP,cursor,ESP:FindFirstChild(target.Name).Head,1,Head.BackgroundColor3,.5), wait(1/(workspace:GetRealPhysicsFPS()*.75)), C++ |

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phantom forces aimbot script pastebin 2021

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phantom forces aimbot script pastebin 2021

phantom forces aimbot script pastebin 2021