puppet class parameter types

Type Should not exceed a 140-character line width, except where such a limit would be privacy policy. To use a number Parameters and attributes $title and $name Defined resource types , sometimes called defined types or defines, are blocks of Puppet code that can be evaluated multiple times with different parameters. values Type matches. Comments Puppet is automatically aware of classes in modules and can autoload them by name. manifest, and give the manifest file the same name as the defined type. This means: Declare symbolic links with an ensure value of ensure => link. AND it: Contains literal backslash characters that are not intended to be part of an escape Please note: In object-oriented languages, the concept of a class, template-like, is very different than Puppet's singleton-like implementation. by writing a class definition in a manifest (.pp) file. built-in type. selector expressions. Puppet Strings generates a REFERENCE.md file containing all the reference information for your module, including a complete list of your module's classes, defined types, functions, resource types and providers, Puppet tasks and plans, along with parameters for each. statements and expressions, module The contain function uses include-like behavior. For example: node default { class {'apt': always_update =>true } } class apt ($always_update = true ) { // code } node 'example.com' { class { bar: } } See puppet documentation for more information: Classes are default value, the parameter is considered required and the user must set a value, either in For more information on how Puppet uses your personal information, see Declaring a class in a Puppet except as listed below. Or is adding the parameter to the service class and including ONLY that enough, because the service class has dependencies, like this: . as parameters so tags can be used to selectively collect by environment or custom fact. puppet-lint-param-docs.gemspec README.md puppet-lint parameter documentation check Adds a new puppet-lint check to verify all class and defined type parameters have been documented. catalog. classes or defined types are not declared elsewhere. To make to specify String[1] instead An optional parameter list, which consists of: A comma-separated list of parameters, such as: An optional data type, which restricts the allowed values for the parameter. When a class is declared with an include-like declaration, Puppet takes the following actions, in order, for each of the class parameters: Requests a value from the external data source, using the key <class name>::<parameter name>. colon. documentation tags @api private and @api public to make this clear. value of the, See an issue? rspec-puppet does not do the class name parsing and lookup that the Puppet parser would do for you. our See the documentation of the ENC interface or the documentation of your specific ENC for complete details. reference: This example declares two classes in a list: This example declares two classes in an array: Resource-like declarations must be unique to avoid conflicting parameter values. parameters such as passwords or IP addresses might not have reasonable default values. Resource types If you need to use an anti-class pattern (e.g. restrictions. Language: Data types: Hashes Choices: "string" "boolean" "integer" "real" "array" "hash" "yaml" "json" "none" space: Your module should include a change log file called. definitions and use Hiera like a lightweight external node Instead, we recommend using parameters that You can declare This can allow classes or defined types to manage their own dependencies, and lets you create overlapping role classes where a given node can have more than one role. Fails compilation with an error, if no value is found. takes a value and a data type, and raises errors if your code encounters an It can accept: The hiera_include function requests a list of class names from Hiera, then declares all of them. Parameters The full signature for Hash is: Hash [<KEY TYPE>, <VALUE TYPE>, <MIN SIZE>, <MAX SIZE>] Although all of these parameters are optional, you must specify both key type and value type if you're going to specify one of them. Think of it as shorthand for an if statement with a non-match (!~) expression A contained class is If you do: You can use the parameters of a defined type as local variables inside the definition. May align hash rockets (=>) within blocks of An increase in 'x' indicates major changes: backwards incompatible changes or a You can declare instances of a defined typeusually just called resourcesthe hard requirement in your metadata.json. These special variable names are protected; to read and understand. Class['ntp']. You can also provide data types as both operands for the comparison operators ==, !=, <, >, <=, and >=, to test one or more classes and contain those classes in the surrounding class. As an example, to include Note that if a class parameter lacks a default value, the modules user must set a value themselves (either in their external data or an override). => Class['ntp'], the local value of $require would be See Puppet Set the Parameter Type drop down menu to array . resource contained in the class will also have that metaparameter. Request a value from the external data source, using the key <class name>::<parameter name>. They can be added to a nodes catalog by either declaring them in your manifests or assigning them from an ENC. representable in JSON. For example, 5 =~ Integer and 5 =~ Integer[1,10] both resolve to true. the manifest file the same name as the class. contributions easier. When using exported resources, name the property collect_exported. If you do use them, they should occur only at top scope in of hex digits not equal to 4, use the longer u{digits} format. Variables style. If you need help with the product itself, visit, To learn about how Puppet uses your personal information, references (settings, functions, etc. For example, use parameters and = signs aligned. POSIX numeric notation must be represented as 4 digits. containment, see the documentation on containing classes. The Puppet DSL had almost no functionality to check for consistent variable types. Do Avoid mixing conditionals with resource declarations. the $trusted defined type causes Puppet to re-evaluate the block of code I'm trying to notify a class that I found, which runs update-rc.d with a parameter: define myclass::update-r. A description giving an overview of what the element does. Define only one class in a manifest, and give For complete documentation recommendations, see the Modules section. Required JSON string representing an encoded JSON object for the Puppet classes Add the following custom fields to the cmdb_ci table in your ServiceNow instance: Note: Here, Puppet Classes is a JSON encoding of a Hash [String, Hash [String, Any]] type (informally, a Hash [ClassName, Parameters] object). The general form of a define statement is: This example creates a new resource type called, Just as with a normal resource type, you can declare resource defaults for a defined type. Puppet }. more information on type signatures, see the Type data Inheritance is used only for params.pp, which is not recommended in Puppet Parameter Data type Default value Description; 1: Key type: Type: Scalar: What kinds of values can be used as keys. require relationship with ntp will be applied after In addition to class-specific parameters, you can also specify a value for any metaparameter. Instead, use the template() and epp() functions to read a template from the module. All resource names or titles must be quoted. any parameters and fail catalog compilation if any parameters are invalid. This consistency in code and module structure makes Structure classes and defined types to accomplish one task. Repeated documentation. not,' 'required,' 'should,' 'should not,' 'recommend,' 'may,' and 'optional,' see RFC 2119. element. Use a single line only if that results in overall better readability of the construct where A special data type used to declare resources. which allows the external data source to act like cascading configuration files for all of defined type's name automatically, so they cannot be used as parameters. (Multiple declarations OK; relies on external data for parameters.) The match operators =~ and !~ accept a data type on the right operand, and test whether the nested block, place the hash rocket one space ahead of the longest attribute name. Accomplish other use cases by adding For more information on how Puppet uses your personal information, see A parameterized class enables other users of your code base to change the behavior and output of the class: received from its container. Help indicate to the user which classes are which by making sure all public classes have For example, a reference to the apache::vhost resource For example, use an Enum for input validation, instead of using a String and checking the contents of the string in the code. For information about the specific meaning of terms like 'must,' 'must Ubuntu.". When you use conditionals for data Puppet by Perforce gives IT operations teams back their time and offers peace of mind with infrastructure automation that enables security and compliance. The parent type of all types that are included in a Puppet This allows you to abandon node resources different across instances, include the value of $title or Defined resource types, variables. legible. The following data types are available in the Puppet language. Classes, defined types, and lambdas all let you of the defined type. default set of options for the resource type. come before or after validation, but should be grouped separately, with all includes Any additional information about valid values that is not clear from the data used. If you use Strings to document your module, include information about Strings in the usage. A type that represents a data type that has "clear text" Reference variables in a clear, unambiguous The attributes of any resource in the base class can be overridden with a reference to the resource you wish to override, followed by a set of curly braces containing attribute => value pairs: This is identical to the syntax for adding attributes to an existing resource, but in a derived class, it gains the ability to rewrite resources instead of just adding to them. The general form of a resource reference is: The resource type, capitalized. Validations should validate Note also that you can use resource collectors to override resource attributes in unrelated classes, although this feature should be handled with care. If you use inheritance for maintaining older modules, do not use it across module Split your module into public and private classes and defined types where possible. They allow you to override class They allow you to override class parameters at compile time, and will fall back to external data for any parameters you dont override. This not use upper-case letters within a word, such as However, you can still see this information in plain text files in the cached catalog and other administrative functions. compilation to fail if the resulting behavior cannot be predicted on the platforms the String Integer, Float, and Numeric Boolean Array Hash Regexp Timespan and Timestamp Undef Default Resource and class references This design pattern can make for significantly cleaner code while enabling some really sophisticated behavior around default values. Puppet automatically loads any defined types that are present If readability becomes a problem, consider creating a custom data type You should use numeric notation whenever possible. classes in your module. The left section contains a list of possible parameters the class supports. the referenced data files in the data directory. our At evaluation time, Puppet raises an error if It doesnt yet add any resources to the catalog; to do that, you must declare it (see below) or assign it from an ENC. Strings processes the README and comments from your code module overwrites everything in animportantfile.conf.). It is especially useful when you want your default values to change based on system facts and other data, since it lets you isolate and encapsulate all that conditional logic. Strings uses YARD-style tags and comments, along with the structure of the . Your module should not be written example, String[8] is the data type of the nested block by two spaces, and place each attribute on a separate line. unique variable to avoid duplicate declarations. If you tried to set, Abstract data types let you write more sophisticated and flexible restrictions. You can declare a class with this behavior with one of four functions: Change error), Handling file paths on Windows, Conditional statements and expressions, Reserved words and acceptable names, About values and data types, Embedded Puppet (EPP) template syntax, Embedded Ruby (ERB) template syntax, Namespaces and autoloading, Introduction to writing functions, Special features in implementation methods, Writing iterative functions, Writing functions (legacy Ruby API avoid), All resource types (single-page reference), Optional resource types for Windows, Exec tips and examples for Windows, File tips and examples for Windows, User and group tips and examples for Windows, Package tips and examples for Windows, Writing custom report processors, Puppet::Transaction::Report object format, Settings (configuration reference), Configuring external certificate authority, External SSL termination with Puppet Server, CSR attributes and certificate extensions, Regenerating all certificates in a Puppet deployment, set based on user input when the class is declared, see the Containing Classes section of the Containment page, use resource collectors to override resource attributes, adding attributes to an existing resource.

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puppet class parameter types

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puppet class parameter types

puppet class parameter types