Such individuals are generally assertive, outgoing, and self-confident. Without controlling for the Big Five personality traits (Table S4), the RIASEC interests explained up to 5% additional variance in the linear probability models. You naturally gravitate towards helping other people and it has likely been this way for you since childhood. These six types are: What did I like most about the Holland Codes? You like to work with your hands. Holland's Six Occupational Personality Types - Medium 6. Often likes to work outdoors, Using and operating tools, equipment and machinery, designing, building, repairing, maintaining, working manually, measuring, working in detail, driving, moving, caring for animals, working with plants, Pilot, farmer, horticulturalist, builder, engineer, armed services personnel, mechanic, upholsterer, electrician, computer technologist, park ranger, sportsperson, English, Maths, Science, Workshop, Technology, Computing, Business Studies, Agriculture, Horticulture, Physical Education, Some occupations with Investigative components, Likes to discover and research ideas, observe, investigate and experiment, ask questions and solve problems, Thinking analytically and logically, computing, communicating by writing and speaking, designing, formulating, calculating, diagnosing, experimenting, investigating, Science, research, medical and health occupations, chemist, marine scientist, forestry technician, medical or agricultural laboratory technician, zoologist, dentist, doctor, English, Maths, Science, Computing, Technology, Some occupations with Artistic components, Likes to use words, art, music or drama to communicate, perform, or express themselves, create and design things, Expressing artistically or physically, speaking, writing, singing, performing, designing, presenting, planning, composing, playing, dancing, Artist, illustrator, photographer, signwriter, composer, singer, instrument player, dancer, actor, reporter, writer, editor, advertiser, hairdresser, fashion designer, English, Social Studies, Music, Drama, Art, Graphic Design, Computing, Business Studies, Languages, Likes to work with people to teach, train and inform, help, treat, heal and cure, serve and greet, concerned for the wellbeing and welfare of others, Communicating orally or in writing, caring and supporting, training, meeting, greeting, assisting, teaching, informing, interviewing, coaching, Teacher, nurse, nurse aide, counsellor, police officer, social worker, salesperson, customer service officer, waiter, secretary, English, Social Studies, Maths, Science, Health, Physical Education, Art, Computing, Business Studies, Languages, Some occupations with Enterprising components, Likes meeting people, leading, talking to and influencing others, encouraging others, working in business, Selling, promoting and persuading, developing ideas, public speaking, managing, organising, leading and captaining, computing, planning, Salesperson, lawyer, politician, accountant, business owner, executive or manager, travel agent, music or sports promoter, English, Maths, Business Studies, Accounting, Economics, Social Studies, Drama, Computing, Text Information Management, Languages, Some occupations with Conventional components, Likes working indoors and at tasks that involve organising and being accurate, following procedures, working with data or numbers, planning work and events, Computing and keyboarding, recording and keeping records, paying attention to detail, meeting and greeting, doing calculations, handling money, organising, arranging, working independently, Secretary, receptionist, office worker, librarian, bank clerk, computer operator, stores and dispatch clerk, English, Maths, Business Studies, Accounting, Economics, Computing, Text Information Management, Jones, L, The Career Key, accessed December 2008, (, Big Picture View of Career Development Theory,accessed December 2008, (. "[13]:3. Get in touch with us for career information. Key personality traits of Creators: Original, creative, independent, intuitive, sensitive, imaginative, spontaneous. They are usually described as open, creative, independent, emotional, impulsive, and original. There are actually a huge 720 possible type combinations. The Strong Interest Inventory is an assessment (inventory) created by The Myers Briggs Company to help identify career interests, and it is largely based on the RIASEC (Holland Code) model. Schneider, T. J., McLarnon, M. J., & Carswell, J. J. So, what do each of the above terms mean? Typical careers include sales and marketing, business and management, entrepreneurship, and politics. Use the interactive hexagon graphic below to explore the six RIASEC personality types in more detail. Considering that Artistic and Social types are often Feelers (F), its not unusual to find intuitive feeling (NF) types performing Investigative work that connects with their Artistic or Social interests. The final decision is always yours. You may shy away from social situations involving teaching, speaking, or informing others. Empirical, theoretical, and practical advantages of the HEXACO model of personality structure. These same six areas can be used to describe people, their personalities and interests. To figure out which careers will suit you, simply take a Holland Code assessment. But tests based on the Holland Code system can also be used to strengthen your career well-being as you move from role to role. The RIASEC Model. "[43] Sample majors and careers include: Holland defines the "Conventional Type" as a person who has "a preference for actives that entail the explicit, ordered, systematic manipulation of data (keeping records, filing materials, reproducing materials, organizing business machines and data processing equipment to attain organizational or economic goals)these behavioral tendencies lead in turn to an acquisition of clerical, computational, and business system competencies. (2015). You may view yourself as independent, expressive, original, and contrarian. Jackson, D. N. (2000). Great in social situations. Instead, the RIASEC model proposes that any one person can have interests associated with all six personality types. As always, let me know what you think in the comments section below. Tracey, Watanabe, & Schneider conducted an international comparative study of job interests among Japanese and U.S. university students, and the results suggest that the Tracey & Rounds's octagonal model is more fitted to Japanese students than Holland's hexagonal model.[18]. Theory of career development & vocational choice created by John L. Holland. A latent profile analysis of college students achievement goal orientation. Hollands Investigative theme incorporates analytic, scientific, and intellectual interests. 43, Number 1, "Second Generation Occupational Interest Profiles for the O*NET System: Summary", The National Center for O*NET Development, June 2008, New Hampshire Employment Security, Economic and Labor Market Information Bureau, "Selfless Service, Part II: Different Types of Seva", "Delaware Department of Labor@Delaware Career Compass", "Summary Report for:15-2041.01 Biostatisticians", "Summary Report for:21-1094.00 Community Health Workers", "Summary Report for: 19-1041.00 Epidemiologists", "Summary Report for: 25-3099.02 Poets, Lyricists and Creative Writers", The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, "Kitchen Therapy: Cooking Up Mental Well-Being", "Summary Report for:27-3042.00 Technical Writers", "Summary Report for:43-9081.00 Proofreaders and Copy Markers", "Summary Report for: 25-3099.02 Tutors", Educational, Guidance, School, and Vocational Counselors, "Summary Report for:13-2052.00 Personal Financial Advisors", "Summary Report for:21-1091.00 Health Educators", "Summary Report for - Property, Real Estate, and Community Association Managers", How Facebook can help you select a major or career, O*NET Interest Profiler (Holland Codes Quiz), O*NET Holland Codes Interests Matched to Careers, Delaware Department of Labor@Delaware Career Compass, Holland Code and College Majors: College majors classified by Holland Themes,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Architect (with Artistic and Enterprising), Carpenter (with Conventional and Investigative), Engineer (with Investigative and Conventional), Fashion design (with Artistic and Enterprising), Musician (with Artistic and Enterprising), Nurse (with Social, Conventional, and Investigative), Photographer (with Artistic and Enterprising), Archivist/Librarian (with Social and Conventional), Carpenter (with Conventional and Realistic), Engineer (with Realistic and Conventional), Nurse (with Realistic, Conventional, and Social).
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