the loud house after the events deviantart

They too got sucked into the rift. But the question is, who or what brought them here and what do they want with them? Lynn: (in thought) I knew that I would have my little baby bro there for me, the same way I'm there for him. Rita's maiden surname is revealed to be "Willard" in, After "No Such Luck" many fans wondered how later episodes went back to normal with him not viewed as a luck charm and having to wear a mascot costume. Really!?!? Sly: What do you mean by…Wait a minute, you’re a different Penelope from another dimension! Young Lynn: (comforting Lincoln) Oh, don't worry Lincoln. Please wake up, please wake up, please wake up, PLEASE WAKE UP! Also revealed is how they got the concert for Lincoln set up. (Leaves the room) Sly: So what are you doing here and what do you want from us? In "Potty Mouth", it turns out the curse word Lily said at the end of the episode was "fuck," and she learned it when Lynn Sr. was cooking soup and accidentally leaned against the burner. Lincoln: Im not finished yet. The sheer amount of bonds that were severely damaged after the fallout of. The heroes come out victorious, but the victory is cut short when something falls out of moneybags’ paw before he got sucked in and lands inside the van. After several seconds of laughing, Lincoln & Lynn hugged each other while laying down on the ground until they fell asleep. Lynn: Snakes, are we!? Lincoln: My point is, all of you have been the worst family Ive ever seen! Cheryl briefly appears, announcing at Lola's pageant. *6 minutes later, they arrive at the Loud House and go up to the front door. Joe has an idea of which episode the Louds will be forgiven. He stepped on one of Luan's whoopee cushions for the effect. Sleuth or Consequences Epilogue - The Loud House Fanon Wikia I have nothing more to say to you opinionated fish faces! They instead grab their mother and Aunt Ruth and start slamming them against each other, until they get knocked out.). It looked to be some sort of lab. We have a terrible history with this guy. Lynn: Lincoln, would you like to sleep with me? Overtime, Valtzon gathered a crew of goons and became their appointed Captain. Lola: Thats outrageous! Alt Penelope: What do you know?me and Bentley double crossed the sly in my dimension, so this shouldn’t be any different. Maybe I should flush YOUR COWBELL down the toilet next! Luan: Its not fair of him to jab at me like that! Especially you, Lori, Leni, Luna and Luan! "Loud to the Future" - When Lisa invents a time machine, Lincoln meets his future self. Lily: *giggling* Poo-Poo. Lincoln: Well, lesson learned. (With Special Guest Star - Chris Pratt), "Spy Louds" - In a salute to spy films (mostly James Bond 007), Lincoln gets recruited by the TSOIE (Top Secret Organization of Investigation and Espionage), and takes Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lana, Lola, Lisa, Clyde, and Ronnie Anne with him to team up with his idol, actor and spy Johnny Sly, to save the world from an evil genius. Posh Winston and greasy Skippy, helped by Winston's. And it's up to Lincoln, Clyde, and Ronnie Anne to become superheroes again to stop it. "The Loudstones" - A caveman version of Lincoln discovers fire. You're a natural. Miguel and Fiona also tell Leni they did not like what they found out about her and seriously question her, to which Dana, Roger, and Joey tell Lori and Leni off as well. Thanks for your help. IF YOU DON'T STOP THIS RIGHT NOW, I'M GONNA GROUND YOU ALL TILL YOU'RE 60!!!! Nina: She’s a new accompaniment of ours. Young Lincoln: Now let's have some fun in your new town. For not taking out the rubbish? ), (8 year old Lincoln was struggling to do a push-up in front of the bullies, but fell face flat.). (He takes rotten eggs out of the pan and throws them at each of the family. Luan: Yeah, you've got quite the clogged mind. I always used to think you were mature and caring and sensible. The Louds did everything they did in "No Such Luck" to avoid bad luck, yet by doing that, they've definitely put themselves in an unlucky situation. And it becomes a big problem with the Battle of the Bands contest coming up. Crash: huh? As if Morag thought it couldnt get any worse, what with being defeated by Lincoln loud, who was now standing over her ready to give her the comeuppance she deserves. I will not stand for this sort of behavior in my house! It is further elaborated on the reason why Lincoln did not notice any of this going on was that Rita and Lynn Sr. took him to Dairyland as a distraction and to cheer him up. Youre all off to Aunt Ruths for 1 month! What’s going on? Lincoln: (remorseful) Dang it. "Spider-Linc"/"Disaster System" - After the events of "Along Came a Sister", Lincoln tries to save Leni from a spider invasion in her room./After the events of "Back in Black", Lincoln gives his sisters the silent treatment after he gets an F from his destroyed project. Tawna: wherever they are, hope they’re safe. (They gaze at the two, who frown at them. I understand your frustration and how you were defending Lucy, but I will not allow such talk in this family! Forgotten Trust 7. Even Lana is really disgusted upon finding out that Lisa installed cameras in the bathroom. You ok? (A ray gun aims at them) BZZZTZAP! Lincoln: Remember what i said about having a thick skin? Lincoln: (offended slightly) Well..okay, yes I did. Lynn Sr.: But son, what happened today was quite irresponsible. Have it your way. In "Fool's Paradise", It's revealed that Luan caught up to Vanzilla by sneaking behind the trees after the family dropped her off and when they stopped at a gas station to refill, she snuck under the van and strapped herself to the underbody. This isnt some trashy alley. All of them. Nina: Shall we torture our prisoners? After discovering his ancestor was the First Mate of the legendary Gol D. Roger, he built a grand skyship and named it the Crimson Sky. Lola: (weeps) He called me a jerk! (11 year old Lynn was making a Valentines Day gift for 9 year old Lincoln.). "Loud Side Story"/"Too Many Ronnie Annes" - After Lincoln joins a gang of 50's-style cool guys, the sisters worry that they might not be good people, so they form a 50's-style gang of their own./Feeling that Ronnie Anne might not wanna be his girlfriend anymore, Lincoln uses Lisa's new machine to seperate all of her personalities. A clogged toilet? (And with that, Lynn headed upstairs to Lincoln's room, where she got more Disney/Pixar's Cars diecast vehicles like Doc Hudson, Sally, Mater, Ramone, Luigi & Guido, Flo, Sarge, Sheriff, Fillmore, Lizzie, Boost, Snot Rod, Wingo, DJ, Chick Hicks and The King, a deluxe vehicle, Red, and the Mack hauler, which Lincoln got for his fourth birthday a week back. Shame on all of you! Life of Pie 5. ), (Baby Lincoln giggles as he chases them around the living room. "Freaky Loud-Day"/"Drawn to Reality" - Lincoln switches minds with Leni./Lincoln discovers a giant magic pencil, but makes a huge mistake when he draws a wacky version of himself named Linctoon. (Lincerella (Cinderella parody), The 3 Little Girls (The 3 Little Pigs parody), Snow Lynn and the 7 Louds (Snow White and the 7 Dwarves) ). Or that Lisa dresses like a slimy frog? Lana and Lola: Skippy and Winston tell them that they can't say for now whether they'll forgive them, and tell them not to sit next to them for some time.

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