We offer this Site AS IS and without any warranties. I cant tell you how many tampons Ive taken out of patients, says Minkin. It's important to understand that sweat itself doesn't smell The discharge looks like cottage cheese. In rare cases, a fishy smell can indicate a more serious condition. Sometimes I have whitey discharge in my panties and I dont particularly want to tell my parents, The white discharge happens when u ovulate, it's usually between day 10-14 of ur cycle, first day of ur period is day 1 perfectly normal, I now have the same problem but I dont want to tell my mum, sometimes i see white sticky fluid on my panty and i dont knw wat it is???? You probably think your sweat smell is worse or more noticeable than it is to anyone else. "It has a lot of properties of other parts of your body," Dr. Sophocles says (think: your underarms). Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Heres What Your Bodys Trying to Tell You, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: "Bacterial Vaginosis CDC Fact Sheet", CDC: "Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment and Care", Office on Women's Health: "Trichomoniasis". If your house has a sour smell that you cant pinpoint, start by looking for signs of water damage (such as moisture stains on ceilings or walls) or evidence of leaks (like standing water on floors). Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. Your body is smart. Fungus infections: Preventing recurrence. Vinegar gets rid of the toxins that cause the fishy vaginal odor. If your sweat smells like ammonia, check your diet. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. Vinegar-y Foul or Rotten Metallic or Coppery Vaginas have a smell to them, and sometimes, the odor can be pungent. A strong unfamiliar and unpleasant odor especially one that continues for several days and smells fishy isnt normal. This value may be slightly higher if you have gone through menopause. But when this fluid contacts the abundance of vaginal bacteria on your vulva, it can produce a pungent aroma. I mean I figure if they sell it at the drug store and it says it's for the vagina it must be good. These scents come pretty close to the OG. Any gunk that ends up in your garbage disposal can break down into sulfuric compounds that may be emitted as gases when you use your unit, which could contribute to unpleasant odors around your house. A sour-vinegar smell coming from the vagina could be a sign of bacterial vaginosis. This can increase body temperature, which may trigger sweating. Possible causes of a vagina that smells like onions include: 1. When we say sweet, we dont mean freshly baked cookies sweet. 2023 Healthline Media LLC. Many people report smelling a coppery, metallic vaginal odor. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance or if you have additional questions. There seem to be a million and one cause for bad breath everything from poor dental hygiene, to gum . Certain foods . 7 Different Vaginal Smells and Why They Happen - Healthline Phantom smells may be a sign of trouble - NBC News All vaginas including healthy ones have a mild odor. A purpuric rash is made up of small, discolored spots under your skin from leaking blood vessels. A sweet smell to your vagina could indicate a problem elsewhere in your system, Dr. Galucki says. It can be so thick that you might notice a thick white coating in and around your vagina," says Dr. Nucatolah says. Sometimes mold can give off a scent similar to vinegar. The medicine helped but a week later it was back. These bacteria exist in a delicate balance to keep your vagina at the right acidity (pH) level. This may seem obvious, but the easiest way to address extra smelly sweat is to wash it off. Managing your stress means having more control over perspiration. In kidney disease, the kidneys may not be able to break down urea, which the body excretes through urine or sweat. Cleaning up after dinner shouldnt be your favorite part of every night, but it shouldnt be a burden either; keeping food waste to a minimum is one way to do that. That said, vaginal odors outside your typical smell can be a sign that something's amiss. Please see our, 10 Things to Look for When Viewing a House, 50+ Things to Look for When Buying a House, 20+ Critical Things To Do After You Move Into A New House. Various types of bacteria live in your vagina. Its especially important if you notice these other symptom, which may indicate a serious medical condition: Certain conditions that bring on the vinegar sweats are treatable. During menstruation it may smell more metallic (discharge of minerals). Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center Staff. Get useful, helpful and relevant health + wellness information, 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44195 |, Important Updates + Notice of Vendor Data Event, (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5621139/), (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK459216/), (https://www.nichd.nih.gov/health/topics/vaginitis). If youve found yourself wondering why your house suddenly smells like vinegar, you might have some spoiled food lying around. Bacterial vaginosis CDC basic fact sheet. When diabetes isnt properly managed, more glucose remains in the bloodstream rather than in cells where it can be used for energy. Medical News Today has strict sourcing guidelines and draws only from peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical journals and associations. I'm using Nubian Heritage. You should especially seek medical care if youre pregnant. It took about a year but she set me up on a special way of eating leaving out wheat, dairy & sugars & it went away. so here goes: Im 16 and a virgin. Smelly penis: 6 causes and how to treat them - Medical News Today Still, an unusual scent is worth noting, particularly if it lingers. Treatment: Your gynecologist can prescribe antibiotics to restore your vagina's pH balance. All rights reserved. Research suggests this variation may be explained by slight genetic variations from one person to the next. Vaginal discharge can be a normal and healthy occurrence. Here is your medically accurate guide to vaginal odors. Sometimes, changes in your diet or lifestyle can prevent or at least reduce the instances when your sweat smells like vinegar. "There are many different kinds of bacteria growing in your vagina," explains Dr. Cullins. Vaginas do have a scent, and generally, thats not an issue. Phantosmia is when a person smells something that is not actually there. The most common cause of abnormal vaginal odor is high levels of Gardnerella vaginalis bacteria, which cause the fishy smell associated with BV. Tips for Reducing Body Odor - WebMD But all sorts of things can cause the pH to become more basic (alkaline), making it hospitable to certain bacteria that can lead to irritation, discharge and odor, she says. You probably dont want to hear it, but you may have a problem with mold and mildew. Increased blood flow to your vagina and changing levels of pregnancy hormones, like estrogen, progesterone and prolactin can affect your pH level and cause new smells.
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