encouraging sermons for difficult times

We are love God with all of our heart, and our neighbor as ourselves. Youve been added to our email list. You may have heard of people coming through the school of hard Knocks, but as I look through the word of God, I find some NOTs that are hard for some people to swallow. COVID-19 has caused a great deal of concern, anxiety, fear, and worry throughout our world. James 1:2-11, Nothing is too Hard for YHWH, at the right time he answers our prayers, Promise Genesis 18:14 - is there anything too hard for the Lord? To say that is to say nothing more than the words of Romans 8:28. Jesus reduced the ten commandments down to just two. We believe so much in the sovereignty of God that when hard times come, we know that God is at work for our good and his glory. Network on ISN. A) I read about a man that was sitting at home one evening when the doorbell rang! WebThere are seasons and times of uncertainty in our lives. God has ordained that your trials are part of his plan to make you like Jesus. Probably never heard of Patricia Christy, but she is a woman who found out the hard way that you cant run away from the problems of life. Showing God in action in and through His people. Advent 2022, week 5: During this series, we are looking at how hope, peace, joy and love are at the heart of Christmas. Allow God to remind you who He is and what He promises, and then be honest with Him. We grow old and die. Are you open to what the Lord wants to do in your life? This message helps us understand how and why we should live worthy of the Lord; plus, learn how to push back spiritual darkness and what brings endurance and strength. Knowing that God is for you will strengthen your trust in Him during times of hardship and the unknown. When trials come (and they come to all of us eventually), there is something we cant know and something we can know. One day I joined him on Moody Radio for Primetime America, the program he hosted each weekday afternoon. Without warning there is a sudden jolt, the car swerves to the right and comes to a halt. Evangelical Free. Walking closely with the Spirit will not only give you direction but will remind you that you are not alone. You may not see a way out of the situation you find yourself walking in today; but know this, you are not alone. I missed the Childrens Many of them are unbelievers who wonder if Christ is real. I can think of three obvious answers to that question. There is a fourth truth we need to remember when hard times come. Evaluate where youve placed your faith and get practical instruction for building a faith that can outlast any storm. Note to reader: I have hot-links to various subjects in this sermon. If you dont need this sermon today, put it in your back pocket because you will definitely need it tomorrow! You can talk about heaven all you want, but youll discover whether or not you believe in it when you stand by the casket of someone you love. This passage shows us three things we need to remember if we are going to pass the test with flying colors. The word of God is used to defend. He also wants you to come to Him simply to spend time with Him. 5 Encouraging Psalms For Hope through Hard Times Live in another country building relationships and ministries with eternal impact. Proverbs 20:29 puts it this way: The glory of young men is their strength, gray hair the splendor of the old, and Proverbs 16:31 adds this insight, Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained by living a godly life (NLT). But thank God, we are not like those who have no hope! Paul reminded his friend that partnership is important and helps us have a greater understanding of God and His plan. No doubt our main problem comes because we misunderstand the word joy. In contemporary parlance, the word is virtually a synonym for happiness. 1 Corinthians 10:13, Romans 8:28, Denomination: Is it important? God's Love Scripture Verses in the Bible | Cru. I will visit on the right time, Then you will have a blessing which cannot be destroyed In this message, we learn that while trials and temptations are not sin, they can lead to sin if we dont stand firm in faith. WE have heard of the diva athletes and entertainers who are almost impossible to deal with. Our friends turn into enemies. Partnering with urban churches to meet physical and spiritual needs. You get it in the hard times. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. WebSermons: TRUSTING GOD IN DIFFICULT TIMES. Meet with other believers and set your eyes on things that are bigger than your circumstances. How do you get that wisdom? In todays message, learn where abundance comes from and how to cultivate it in your heart. 1 Kings 19:19-21: What is God calling you to do? James 1:2-4. These were tough consequences, for sure. God is Omnipresent, which means that He is everywhere Hard times are real for everyone regardless of who we are or where we are. Waiting on the Lord reminds you that you are not in control. Thanks for your love and your 1 Trusting God When Youre Alone in the Gap (4.18.10) 2 Trusting God When the Brook Dries Up (5.9.10) 3 Trusting God When a friend wrote to say that his daughter was leaving to serve in the Armed Forces in Afghanistan, he asked special prayer because she would be in harms way. I prayed for his daughter and am happy to report that she made it back safely. Heres why, along with some analysis digging into nine commonly presented contradictions. Because I see things from a human perspective, I might actually hurt you instead of help you even though my motives would be good. In many parts of the world it is dangerous even to be a Evangelical/Non-Denominational. Youve got cancer. Or the voice may inform you that your daughter has just been arrested. Dont trust your feelings! Another message on the awesome power of God! Haggai 2:1-15: Want to be closer to God? Give me relief from my distress; be merciful to me and hear my prayer. Everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted (2 Tim. Psalm 25 This is the sort of faith that Paul has in mind in Romans 5. 3:12). Because God loves you, you can show your trust in Him by talking about all your feelings and circumstances with Him the good and hard through prayer. Heres a practical hint. Creation is Gods gift to Himself, and creation is a gift that leads to celebration. A student asks, How much of this did I bring on myself?, A victim looks at everyone else and cries out, Life isnt fair. A student looks at life and says, What happened to me could have happened to anyone.. I would submit to you that the answer is no! Youre able to confess to God when your feelings and beliefs are not lining up with His Truth. That is why we are beginning a study of the book of James. read more, Scripture: Text: Romans 8 : 28 God calls you to give thanks. A common struggle in difficult times is feelings of helplessness and worry about an unknown future. All these things lead to the ultimate act of desperation where we give up our faith in God altogether. He uses hard times to put our faith to the test. # WHO is a Diligent person? God is much more reliable than even your most trustworthy friend. Because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance (v. 3). A rod is a sign of power and strength to defend against attacks. You can ask Him to help you believe what He says is true. Little by little we lose the joy we once had. In You, O Lord, I put my trust; let me never be put to shameDeliver me, O my God, out of the Maybe its about starting over and creating something new. God is much more concerned with how you respond than with the trial itself. Bringing hope and resources to military families worldwide. You can cling to its truth when life throws you a curveball. Were I to take away the pain, I might move too soon and block Gods work in your life. Unfortunately our troubles are never optional. Learn the basics of what Christians believe. When the phone rings with bad news, when your son winds up in prison, when your best friend betrays you, when you lose your job, when your parents suddenly die, when life comes apart at the seams, then you discover what you truly and actually believe in the depth of your soul. The doctors are hopeful but there are no guarantees. Paul was a follower of Jesus and a leader in the early church. He is always working in your life and in the world. WebThank God for those who touch your life. When he has tried me, I will come forth as gold (Job 23:10). So many believers struggle because they try to handle their problems alone. How, then, should we respond to these hard times that suddenly come to us? This message explores important questions about your faith and commitment to God. Copyright 2003-2023 | Outreach, Inc., All rights reserved. You can get to know God through personal time with Him and through His Word. The Passage: Job Did Not Sin with His Lips (2:9-10) As we enter this book 30 verses in, it's critical that we review what's happened up to this point. Not Herod, not the guards, not the people of the church, not even Peter himself. You can have hope because anything is possible. After several promising attempts at first contact, a team of five missionaries flew to a jungle landing strip, hoping to establish friendly relations. Someone who performs with intense concentration and focus Find resources for personal or group Bible study. Baptist. The situation can look so dark that not even a sliver of light can be seen to light your way. read more, Scripture: Let us therefore endure our trials with grace and courage, knowing that in the end the clouds will part and the sun will shine again. Let no one condemn her, but instead let us consider our own lives and realize how vulnerable we are to Satans attacks. read more, Scripture: Pope Francis: World War III Is Already Here.. Date: 2/26/17 Colossians 3:17-25: Whats the key to true peace? How many times have we heard the first part of the text quoted? (From the Bible Knowledge Commentary). Do your daily decisions reflect Godly living? He reminds them that He does not sleep or take a break. God, on the other hand, does not change. Now, in the difficult times of their life, Paul gives advice for believers in difficult times. When the global church comes together then powerful things can happen. 1. Acts 9:32-43, Denomination: Let the light of the Gospel shine in your heart. Ecclesiastes 1:9, Denomination: How do you trust that God is good in these circumstances? Genesis 21:8-21, The book of Jude has for us a message about perseverance in the faith, CALL TO PERSEVERE: NATURAL INSTINCTS

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encouraging sermons for difficult times

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encouraging sermons for difficult times

encouraging sermons for difficult times